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Watch NieR Re[in]carnation first gameplay video

NieR franchise is coming to mobile for the first time with NieR Re[in]carnation
Watch NieR Re[in]carnation first gameplay video

A few weeks ago, Square Enix celebrated the 10th anniversary of Nier with a lot of great news for the franchise.

We then found out that Nier: Automata exceeded 4.5 million copies sold on PlayStation, and we also got news about the Nier remaster, called NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.

Third news from that day was about the newest NieR game, NieR Re[in]carnation. It's a mobile game, the first one ever in the series, We've been shown the teaser trailer, and now we can see some gameplay action for the first time, in the latest trailer from today.

To be honest, there's not much of gameplay in the trailer, it's more of a walk through beautiful locations with mesmerizing and otherworldly music by Keiichi Okabe, legendary composer behind the Nier franchise soundtracks.


Some people are afraid this means that the game might be just a "walking simulator" with not much fight and other action, but we don't think that's the case. Although, if locations are beautifully designed and appealing to explore, we wouldn't mind even if it will be just a was walking simulator.

There are also some rumours and unconfirmed translations that the game will be "a gacha game", which would honesty be quite sad, since those are kind of games designed for a player to simply spend money on randoms items, similarly to loot box system, without any real value in them, but that yet remains to see if it is the case.

The gacha game model began to be widely used in the early 2010s, almost all of the highest-grossing mobile games in Japan use it, and it has become an integral part of Japanese mobile game culture.

For now, until we have some more information about the game, we can at least enjoy the new trailer and music.