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When Is The Next Fisch Update? Release Date & Time

Don't miss out on the latest Roblox Fisch update! Find the exact release date and time right here!
When Is The Next Fisch Update? Release Date & Time

When does the next Fisch update drop? Great question! Each new patch brings a ton of new content, like rods, bestiaries, and events to keep things fresh and exciting. With weekly patches from the developers, it's no wonder savvy Roblox players like you are eager to know what's next!

So, why not stay ahead of the pack? Here's everything to know about the next Fisch update release date—complete with a handy countdown timer to track every second.

Updated on 1 March 2025: The next Fisch update (1.21) drops next week. You can view the patch notes on our dedicated page. Remember to hard-refresh this page by pressing Ctrl+F5 or SHIFT+F5 to view an uncached version.

When Is The Next Fisch Update? | Roblox

The next Roblox Fisch update will come out on 8 March 2025. You generally can expect a new patch to drop every Saturday at 1 p.m. GMT (in the United Kingdom) or 5 a.m. PST |  8 a.m. EST (in the United States).

If you're not sure how long you must wait for the Fisch update to drop in Roblox, simply refer to the countdown timer below.

The next Roblox Fisch update will come out in

Note: Sometimes, the developers release Fisch updates slightly later than scheduled. This is usually due to unforeseen delays or technical issues. Also, the times might change by 1 hour due to daylight savings, so it's always a good idea to double-check the release time in your local time zone.

Fisch Update Release Date Schedule | Roblox

Looking to stay ahead of the game? Just check the expected release dates below to get an idea of when future Fisch updates might roll out—as well as any new fishing rods, bestiaries, and events that might be released. Don’t forget to set a reminder!

March 2025
  • 8 March 2025 (next update) 
  • 15 March 2025
  • 22 March 2025
  • 29 March 2025

And that's everything you need to know about the Roblox Fisch update schedule! I hope this guide has helped provide insights into the release schedule of this super popular fishing game on Roblox.

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