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Attack On Titan Revolution Patch Notes (Update 3)

This guide will detail the latest AoT Revolution patch notes and when the next major update is expected to come out.
Attack On Titan Revolution Patch Notes (Update 3)

Looking for the latest AoT Revolution patch notes? You're in the right spot! In this guide, you'll learn about all the new content and features, whether it's new mythical perks, families, maps, artifacts, or raids. Best of all, the developers also release a slew of codes you can redeem for free rewards

With that, prepare to join the battle of freedom and lead humanity in the revolution against the Titans! Here's everything in the Attack on Titan Revolution patch notes!

Updated on 22 Feburary 2025: AoT patch is Update 3 is the next big update. The developers recently added new codes, suggesting the patch will drop very soon. Sometimes our servers cache pages, so please remember to hard-refresh this page by pressing Ctrl+F5 or SHIFT+F5 to view an uncached version.

Latest Attack on Titan Revolution Patch Notes

Here's everything you need to know about the latest update to AoT Revolution:

  • TBD. In the meantime, you can use codes LIKES475K for 175 Spins + 1 2x XP Potion [1H] + 2 Emperor Keys, and UPDATE3SOON for 75 Spins

upd5_copy.png (1

Previous Attack on Titan Revolution Patch Notes

Update 2.5 Christmas Update

New Christmas Event

Christmas 2D Lobby

Christmas-Themed 3D Lobby

New Winter Tokens Currency

Obtained from killing titans with Christmas hats

Spawn Rates:

Elf Hat titans have a 1/5 chance to spawn and drop 1 Winter Token

Santa Hat titans have a 1/50 chance to spawn and drops 10 Winter Tokens

Can also be obtained through robux

New Event Cosmetics

Grumpy (Exclusive) [Armored Titan Skin]

Santa Hat (Exclusive)

Elf Hat (Exclusive)

New Event Market Section + Buying Boosts

Christmas Crate Cosmetics:

All cosmetics have an equal chance of appearing at 11.11%

Candy Cane Blades

Christmas Gear

Christmas Sheath


Gingerbread Blades

Hot Chocolate

Pointy Candy Cane Blades

Santa Sack

Snowman Head

Armored Titan Raid:

Defend the rescue boats while fighting the Armored Titan

Two phases:

Phase 1: Weaken the Armored Titan

During this phase, players must attack weak points on the Armored Titan in order to expose its nape. This phase ends when the Armored Titan’s HP reaches 50.0%.

Phase 2: Defeat the Armored TItan

During this phase, the Armored Titan has been sufficiently weakened, allowing all parts of its body to take damage.

New Raid Artifacts:

Scars (Mythical)

Rifle (Legendary)

Backpack (Epic)

New Raid Cosmetics:

Young Reiner’s Outfit (Legendary)

Marleyan Band (Rare)

Fritz Rework:


Unlock any family exclusive shifter skills

Extra Defense Perk Slot

Extra Support Perk Slot

20.0% Shifter Stats

15.0% Crit Chance/Damage

10.0% Damage in Raids

10.0% Gem Gain

10.0% Damage

10.0% CD Reduction

10.0% Awakening Bar Gain

10.0% Gold/Bar XP Gain for all party members


Founder’s Vengeance

Founder’s Will



Obtainment Method: (Requires Prestige 1+)

Thunderspear Quests:

Thunderspear Handle:

Create 3 watch towers in Outskirts [Skirmish Objective]

Escort 1 horse carriage in Outskirts [Skirmish Objective]

Thunderspear Thruster:

Collect 3 Ice Burst Stones in Utgard [Skirmish Objective]

Thunderspear Base:

Retrieve 3 Missing Supply Crates in Giant Forest [Skirmish Objective]

Defend the Missing Supply Crates in Giant Forest [Skirmish Objective]

New Thunderspear Skills:


Grasp Blast


Hellfire Barrage

Meteoric Rain

Dual Shot

Revolving Pierce


Homing Missile

Combustive Counter


Thunder Barrage

Lightning Bolt

Additional Thunderspear Information:

Has a max kill cap (TS limbs hit) of 3 by default.

The number on the left is the distance the player is away from being able to trigger the thunderspear

The more green it is, the closer the player is, and the redder it is, the further the player is from the thunderspear

There is a setting to control whether you want to detonate the thunderspear manually or automatically after unlocking Scout’s Instinct

Thunderspears will automatically explode if:

It has been in the air for 5 seconds without hitting anything

It has been 10 seconds since it’s hit something

The player is 1000 studs away from the thunderspear

Season 2 Battlepass:

New Cosmetics for Thunderspears:

Icarus Equipment [Tier 75] (Premium)

Icarus Gear [Tier 100] (Free)

New Abnormal Variants:


Titan with glowing yellow marks that buffs nearby titans by screaming.

Causes nearby titans to become enhanced with 25% stat boost in walkspeed, nape health, and damage.

The enhancement from Leader variants is cancelled when the leader is killed.


Titan with glowing red marks, a 100% stat buff in speed, and the ability to scream.


Titan that has no cosmetic indicators at first sight, but evades nape attacks by rolling backwards, and can thrash wildly when attacked from the front or sides.


Spawn exclusively in Utgard map on Hard+ difficulty

Drops ice burst stones for thunderspear quest

In order to defeat them, players must hit their nape 3 times in quick succession (within 7.5 seconds after each hit) which causes an explosion, making their nape vulnerable.

New Thunderspear Perks:

Maximum Firepower (Body) [Mythical]

Spear Speed increases by 20.0%~40.0%

Spear Count increases by 2~4

Spears no longer have recoil when being fired

Everlasting Flame (Offense) [Mythical]

Blast Radius increases by 15.0%~30.0%

Each explosion does 10.0%~30.0% burn damage

Munitions Master (Support) [Legendary]

Spear Count increases by 2~4

Munitions Expert (Support) [Epic]

Spear Count increases by 1~2

Thunderspear Conversion Stats: (When Thunderspears are equipped, these stats will convert for perks and artifact substats)

ODM Damage = TS Damage

ODM Control = TS Control

ODM Gas = TS Gas

ODM Speed = TS Speed

ODM Range = TS Range

Blade Durability = 0.5x Conservation Chance

Swing Duration = Blast Radius

ODM Limbs hit =  0.5x TS Limbs hit

New Thunderspear Memories (Can only be rolled after unlocking Thunderspears):

Afterimages (Offense) [4-Star]

Spear explosions create a smaller explosion in their wake, doing 30.0% DMG

Steel Frame (Defense) [3-Star]

All explosions deal 25.0% less self DMG and grant immunity to any explosions for 5s

Marksman (Offense) [3-Star]

Increase DMG by 0.4% for each 5m traveled per spear (Max 465m)

Surgeshot (Offense) [1-Star]

Holding your Spear’s M1 for longer increases the BLAST RADIUS

New Gamepasses:

Memory Bag

Increase the maximum amount of memories that you can hold by 3 (Default 1 without gamepass)

Auto Sell

Automatically sell selected rarities for perks/artifacts that are obtained from crafting/missions/raids


Talent "Overslash" now procs from where the titan dies instead of where your player is

Skill "Command" now affects stat "Conservation Chance"

To get the 'Warbringer' achievement, you now need 25.0% damage

Armored Shard cost lowered to 24,999

QOL Changes:

Added Setting 'Automatic Detonation' for Spears

Added 1 free memory storage slot

‘Battlepass 2’ extension that lasts 2 weeks

Bug Fixes:

Fixed perk "Tyrant's Stare"

Reduced lobby loading times a bit(?)

Maybe fixed losing random body parts when ragdolled(?)

Fixed perk slots sometimes just not appearing

Fixed perk slots sometimes not being interactable

Misc. Changes:

No titans spawn in raids after 15 minutes

Added ‘Follow’ rewards in the Main Menu (PERMANENT buffs)

Added ‘Onikiri Spear Gear’ and ‘Onikiri Spear Equipment’ obtainable from the Onikiri Raid (Must be using Thunderspears while in this raid for TS related drops).

0.3% (Hard)

0.9% (Severe)

3.0% (Aberrant)

Halloween Update

New Halloween Event:

Halloween 2D Lobby

Halloween-Themed 3D Lobby

New Halloween Tokens Currency

Obtained from killing titans with pumpkins for heads

Spawn Rates:

Orange Pumpkin titans have a 1/5 chance to spawn and drop 1 Halloween Token

Golden Pumpkin titans have a 1/50 chance to spawn and drops 10 Halloween Tokens.

Can also be obtained through robux

New Event Cosmetics

Forsaken(Mythic) [Attack Titan Skin]

Jack ‘O Lantern (Legendary)

Witch Hat (Epic)

New Event Market Section + Buying Boosts

Halloween Crate Cosmetics:

All cosmetics have an equal chance of appearing at 14.29%

Axe Head

Blade Head

Butcher Blade

Green Aura With Flies

Green Skeleton’s Attire

Ski Mask

White Skeleton’s Attire

Armored Titan:

Serum is obtainable from Aberrant Missions


Defense Mastery (Passive)

Shifter Mastery (Passive)



Earth Breaker

Titan Toss

Unstoppable Charge


Phase Shift

Unique Resonance Ability:

Season 2 Battle Pass:

100 Tiers

Tiers are now buyable for 2,000 gems per tier

New Cosmetics:

Aincrad Gear [Tier 1] (Free)

Aincrad Sheath [Tier 1] (Premium)

Aincrad Blade [Tier 25] (Free)

Elderflame Gear [Tier 25] (Premium)

Elderflame Sheath [Tier 50] (Free)

Elderflame Blade [Tier 50] (Premium)

JöTUNN (Armored Skin) [Tier 100] (Premium)

Onikiri Raid (Attack Titan Easter Egg)

10% chance of spawning in place of the Attack Titan

Rates for Onikiri Set (3 Pieces):

0.2% (Hard)

0.6% (Severe)

2.0% (Aberrant)

New Map Cosmetics + Map/Difficulty Requirements:

Vizard’s Mask (Mythical)

Any Mission Aberrant+

Grimmjow’s Mask (Legendary)

Outskirts Hard+

Kitsune Mask (Legendary)

Shiganshina Hard

Shogun’s Helm (Legendary)

Trost Hard+

Warrior’s Medallion (Legendary)

Giant Forest Hard+

Regiment Cloak (Black) (Legendary)

Loading Docks Hard+

Regiment Cloak (Green) (Epic)

Loading Docks

Blood Vial (Epic)


Kitsune Ribbon (Epic)


Mushroom Hat (Epic)

Giant Forest

Midnight Mask (Rare)


Recon Visor (Rare)


Wizard Hat (Rare)


New Main Objective Based Missions:

Main objectives can be found within the bottom center of the creation screen for missions.

There are three objectives for each mission: Skirmish, Randomizer, and a unique objective.

Skirmish: Face numerous titans head-on in fast paced combat to secure and protect the people and buildings in the vicinity.

Random: Challenge yourself with a randomized objective to prove your versatile scouting capabilities.

Unique Objective :

Shiganshina - Breach

Defend the headquarters from a relentless onslaught of titans after the Colossal Titan kicks open a breach in the wall.

Trost - Protect

Protect the Attack Titan from an oncoming barrage of mindless titans attempting to prevent him from sealing the wall.

Outskirts - Escort

Escort a number of carts filled with innocents to their safepoint while defending from a number of unexpected titan attacks.

Giant Forest - Guard

Guard the Female Titan’s body from mindless titans in order to capture the mysterious enemy behind the numerous attacks.

Utgard - Defend

Swiftly defend Utgard Castle from hordes of mindless titans under the Beast Titan’s control before it collapses.

Loading Docks - Stall

Stall just long enough to secure an escape as a horde of colossal titans rapidly close in.

New Map:

Loading Docks

New Progression Item:

Armored Shard

Anime All-Star Crate #3 (Demon Slayer)

Explosion Art (Legendary)

Giyuu’s Attire (Legendary)

Nichirin Cleaver (Legendary)

Tengen’s Attire (Legendary)

Flame Breath (Epic)


Lightning Breath (Epic)

Rengoku’s Attire (Epic)

Blood Art (Rare)

Blood Sickle (Rare)

Tanjiro’s Attire (Rare)

Water Breath (Rare)

Nichirin Katana (Uncommon)

Shinobu’s Attire (Uncommon)

Slayer Box (Uncommon)

Mouth Guard (Common)

Slayer (F)’s Attire (Common)

Slayer (M)’s Attire (Common)

Slayer Mask 1 (Common)

Slayer Mask 2 (Common)

Slayer Mask 3 (Common)

Anime All-Star Crate #4 (Fate)

Astolfo’s Attire (Legendary)

Gilgamesh’s Attire (Legendary)

Vulcano Caligorante (Legendary)

Archer’s Attire (Epic)

Gae Bolg (Epic)

Sword of Rupture (Epic)

Bakuya (Rare)

Kanshou (Rare)

Saber’s Attire (Rare)

Bikini’s Attire (Uncommon)

Caliburn (Uncommon)

Priest’s Attire (Common)

Scathach’s Attire (Common)

New Mythic Perks:

Heavenly Restriction (Core)

ALL equipped skills are disabled

ODM DAMAGE increases by 5.0%~7.5% per skill equipped

+10.0%~20.0% chance to kill titans upon injuring them

DAMAGE RESISTANCE increases by 15.0%~25.0%

Black Flash (Offense)

Every 1.0% of SPEED gives an extra 0.3%~0.5% CRIT DAMAGE

+PHANTOM: Dashes have 10.0% more speed and phase through titans + Deal maximum damage every CRIT

Art Of War (Offense)

Shifter Damage increases by 30.0%~40.0%

Shifter M1 Speed increases by 7.5%~10.0%

Adaptation (Defense)

HEALTH REGEN increases by 3~5

Take 2.00x~1.50x more damage  

Getting hit by an attack 2 times makes you immune to that attack

Can be immune to a total of 3 attacks at the same time

Immunity resets whenever the player shifts/ejects

Font of Inspiration (Support)

Your orders and flares have their cooldowns halved, and their effects multiplied by 1.25x~1.50x

Your orders can now be used mid-air

DAMAGE RESISTANCE increases by 20.0%~30.0% for those affected by your orders

Soulfeed (Support)

Gas bar increases by 1.5%~2.5% per kill

Health increases by 0.75%~1.5% per kill

Can see the outlines of all titans

New ‘Shifter Damage’ Perks:

 Warrior (Epic)

Shifter Damage increases by 7.5%~15.0%

Warchief (Legendary)

Shifter Damage increases by 12.0%~20.0%

New 4-Star Memories:

Gambler (Offense)

All DMG dealt fluctuates between 75.0% - 130.0% (Perfect Form makes this 85.0% - 140.0%)

Overslash (Offense)

30.0% of any excess DMG from a finishing blow applies to other titans in a 100m radius (5s CD)

Necromantic (Defense)

Upon ignoring death, gain +20.0% DMG, +25.0% HEALTH and +15.0% SPEED

Thanatophobia (Defense)

When below 40.0% HEALTH: +25.0% DMG RED., +15.0% INJURY CHANCE RED. and heal an injury every 15s

Apotheosis (Support)

Awakening Bar fills 15.0% faster

Awakenings can be triggered at 60.0% bar

+10.0% Shifter Damage

Bloodthief (Support)

Being hooked onto a titan recovers 3.0% HEALTH every  2s

New 3-Star Memories:

Assassin (Offense)

Blade skills deal 25.0% more DMG and have +15.0% SKILL CD REDUCTION

Amputation (Offense)

Critical hits dealt to non-boss type titans' limbs disables limb regeneration

Tactician (Support)

All flare skills have +15.0% to their effects (Buffs, Duration and Radius)

New 2-Star Memories:

Stormcharged (Offense)

DMG increases by 3.0% for each shifter present in a match

Riposte (Defense)

Successful counters instantly execute a titan

Gem Fiend (Support)

Obtain +10.0% more Gems from AFK Zone/Mission Streak

New Secondary Objectives:

Completion of a secondary objective:

+5% Gold/XP for Missions

+5% Luck for Raids

Common Objectives:

Injure X abnormal/titan arms/legs

Blind X abnormal/titans

Deal X critical hits

Heal X injuries

Take less than X damage

Escape X titan grabs/bits

Don’t restock gas or blades

Don’t get grabbed/bit

Complete mission under XX:XX time

Use X air rolls/boosts

Kill X amount of titans in one strike

Assist X titans kills (Multiplayer only)

Get the most titan kills (Multiplayer only)

Rare Objectives:

Find Missing Supplies:

Description: Players must locate a supply crate on the map and interact with it similar to a resupply station to acquire the supply crate and complete the secondary objective

Chance: 0.5% on Easy, 0.75% on Normal, 1% on Hard, 1.5% on Severe, 2% on Aberrant.

Rewards: +25% Gold/XP, Legendary+ Perk on Aberrant or Epic+ below Aberrant.

Liberate Encampment

Description: Players must defeat a group of titans swarming an encampment to complete the secondary objective.

Chance: 1% on Hard, 1.5% on Severe, 2% on Aberrant.

Rewards: +25% Gold/XP, Legendary+ Perk on Aberrant or Epic+ below

New Modifiers:

Time Trial

+10.0% XP/Gold if beaten under XX:XX, else -10.0% XP/Gold

Glass Cannon

+25.0% XP/Gold with the risk of having only 1 HP


-10.0% XP/Gold for no abnormals/crawlers spawning (ignored by Nightmare)


-10.0% XP/Gold with every titan having 30.0% less stats (ignored by Oddball)

Note: Buffs/Nerfs to rewards all translate to luck for raids.


Adjusted building damage scaling in each difficulty

Anything to do with 'ODM DAMAGE' increase no longer affects Titan Shifting's BASE DAMAGE

Added new stat 'SHIFTER DAMAGE'

Can be rolled on artifact stats

Can obtain epic+ perks with this stat

Perks with flat values now increase with levels ['Strike {x} limbs', 'Ignore {x} injuries', 'Gain {x} more bandages', 'Shift {x} times in a row']


Kengo: ODM DAMAGE (40.0%/60.0% > 25.0%/40.0%)

Immortal: INJURY CHANCE REDUCTION (30.0%/40.0% > 15.0%/22.5%)

Tatsujin: ODM SPEED (10.0%/20.0% > 10.0%/15.0%), ODM CONTROL (15.0%/25.0% > 12.5%/17.5%), ODM GAS (10.0%/15.0% > 5.0%/7.5%)


Lifefeed health per kill reduced from 2.5% > 2.0%

Tactician flare skill increase reduced from 25.0% > 15.0%

Daily/Weekly Quest Adjustments:

Increased difficulty

Increased gem/honor rewards

Weekly quests now give extra rewards, like spins/crates/keys

QOL Changes:

New inventory/market category icons

Players can now gift others gamepasses [at the bottom of the market]

Added trail auras to the leaderboard auras

Mission reward drops now appear in rarity order

Added a pity system to memories/talents [20 scrolls for guaranteed 3 star+ talents (9/10 chance it'll be a 3 star, 1/10 chance it'll be a 4 star)

Added ‘!’ icon when an achievement is ready to be claimed

Added scroll bar image to the missions tab since some people were unaware Utgard existed

Fixed some clipping issues with clothing in the torso area

Achievements now show an exclamation mark on anything unclaimed

Mod+ can now give achievement "Encounter"

Added raid easter egg "Onikiri" (has a chance to drop the "Onikiri" Gear set)

Serum is now sellable (12,500 Gems)

Reset all week's worth of battlepass quests (2 weeks will be available to start with)

Shifting skill now saves and auto equips between serums after the player first unlocks it

Bug Fixes:

Fixed titans sometimes not aggroing to Eren in raids for Phase 1

Fixed leg/arm injuries sometimes not showing properly with a red highlight

Fixed Shifting/Ejecting getting rid of I-Frame priority when using another skill with I-Frames instantly

Fixed prestige symbol disappearing after tabbing back in to the prestige category

Fixed frame black borders messing up

Fixed previously opened frame getting stuck on screen when switching between lobby views(?)

Fixed decimals not rounding properly on some stats in the perks screen

Fixed M1 issues with skill 'Rising Slash'

Fixed crawler infinitely "leaping" when stunned(?)

Fixed skill cooldowns not visually updating with the correct countdown after Shifting/Ejecting

Fixed perk 'Courage Catalyst' not reducing skill cooldowns

Fixed more ways to break lobby UI and get stuck

Fixed ragdoll issues with losing limbs(?)

Fixed destroying non-vulnerable limbs on raid boss

Fixed ‘Warbringer’ Achievement, and hard reset any achievements to do with Warbringer or in the ‘Wings of Valor’ category, alongside ‘Shiki’.

When Does The Next AoT Revolution Update Come Out?

The next Attack on Titan Revolution patch is expected to be released on TBD. The developers don't have a set schedule for their updates, but they seem to drop patches on Saturdays at around 9 p.m. ET (in the United States) or 1 a.m. GMT (in the United Kingdom).

Not sure how much longer you must wait? Just refer to the countdown timer below, which ticks down to the next suspected release date. Unless the devs explicitly mentioned when the next AoT Revolution update will drop, it's best to take this information with a pinch of salt. 

The next AoT Revolution update should come out in

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