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Best Wave Decks in Marvel Snap

Here are the best Wave decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Wave Decks in Marvel Snap

Wave is a very versatile card and sees play in a multitude of decks in Marvel Snap. Wave is best played along with big cards that you can cheat out early, thanks to her effect. Because Wave sets the cost of cards in both players' hands to four, you will want to make sure that you are getting the biggest benefit from this effect by playing a powerful card. 

Additionally, Wave is great as a combo enabler. When used with other discountable cards, Wave will allow you to play several cards in a turn while your opponent can only play one. 

Standard Baero Deck

Baero is a deck as old as time but one that has seen a resurgence in the meta, thanks to the Leader nerf. This deck has a relatively simple yet very powerful strategy. Players will want to control the board early while destroying as many cards as possible. This will significantly discount Death. Then, on turn five, you can play Wave. This will also leave you with two power left over, thereby discounting your She-Hulk to four energy (and then two energy, thanks to Wave's effect) on the following turn. 

If done optimally, this allows you to pull off the absolutely disgusting play of Death, Aero, and She-Hulk, all on the final turn of the game while your opponent is stuck playing only one card. 

Standard Baero Deck List:

Aero card in Marvel Snap
Pairing Wave with Aero and Death can have a devastating impact.

Electro Ramp Deck

Wave is more of a supporting card in Electro Ramp, used as a backup for when Electro is sitting at the bottom of your deck. Still, for those rare occasions, Wave is a massive help in cheating out your late-game cards as early as turn four. 

Electro Ramp Deck List:

Standard Galactus Deck

If you ever see a Wave played before turn five, run! Wave is the primary enabler for Galactus and allows you to get this meta-defining card out on turn four. Two turns will then be left for the Galactus deck to control the board with cards like Knull, Shang-Chi, and Spider-Man. 

Standard Galactus Deck List:

And those are the best Wave decks in Marvel Snap!

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