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How To Craft Chromatic Metal in No Man's Sky

Chromatic Metal is one of the crucial resources in No Man's Sky, and here's how to get your hands on it.
How To Craft Chromatic Metal in No Man's Sky

Chromatic Metal is one of the crucial resources in No Man's Sky that is primarily used to construct advanced technologies. Apart from this, it can also be used for other tasks, such as repairing Drop Pods and building portable equipment.

Although No Man's Sky teaches you how to get Chromatic Metal during the game's tutorial, here's a comprehensive guide to obtain this valuable resource if you've skipped the tutorial. So without any further delay, let's get started.

No Man's Sky Chromatic Metal Recipe

No Man's Sky Chromatic Metal Recipe
No Man's Sky Chromatic Metal Recipe. (Picture: The Wikadou YouTube)

Unfortunately, Chromatic Metal is a resource that you won't usually find in the No Man's Sky universe. Therefore, crafting or purchasing it is the only way to get it. However, we recommend opting for the crafting method, as finding Chromatic Metal ingredients is pretty straightforward.

The first step to creating Chromatic Metal is to find the resource nodes on the planet. Use your visor and scan the environment for resource deposits to do this. The easiest resource to find is copper, which is used to create Chromatic Metal. Once you locate a copper deposit, mine it using your mining tool until you have enough copper to create the amount of Chromatic Metal you need.

If you are not starting a new game, there are other metals that can be used to create Chromatic Metal, including Cadmium, Emeril, and Indium. You can find these metals on different planets. So we advise checking the description for a list of all the metals you can use to create Chromatic Metal and the planets where you can find them.

Once you have gathered the necessary metal, it's time to create the Chromatic Metal. To do this, you will need a portable refiner. Press up on the d-pad and go to portable machines. Here, you can either build a portable refiner or gather the materials to build one. Once you have a portable refiner, place the copper or other metal you have gathered in the input and add fuel, which is typically carbon or any other red source. Then, press play and wait for the Chromatic Metal to be crafted.

So there you have it. That's everything you need to know about crafting Chromatic Metal in No Man's Sky.

For more No Man's Sky news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or take a look at some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:


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