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GINX TV > Our Staff > Nikola Savic

Nikola Savic

Nikola Savic

Nikola is a senior writer and editor with over 12 years of experience in gaming and esports journalism. He began his career in 2012 and eventually became the editor-in-chief of the Serbian gaming magazine Play!Zine and the RUR Esports portal before transitioning to the international scene. When he's not frantically scouring the internet for obscure guide topics, unanswered questions, and the latest esports drama, he spends hundreds of hours exploring every nook and cranny in cRPGs or scaring himself to death with horror games.

Nikola Savic

Articles Written

1,900 articles published since March 11, 2020

Top Categories

  1. Call of Duty (374 articles)
  2. Hearthstone (270 articles)
  3. Fortnite (240 articles)
  4. Valorant (228 articles)
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (200 articles)

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