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Best Agamotto Decks In Marvel Snap

Behold the mystical being known as Agamotto, who's adding his magical charm and Arcana power to Marvel Snap.
Best Agamotto Decks In Marvel Snap
(PIcture: Second Dinner / GINX)

A new month means a new season has arrived for Marvel Snap, and this season, titled "Prehistoric Avengers," focuses on Marvel Comics' first heroes, the Avengers 1,000,000 B.C. Its members consist of the All-Father Odin, Black Panther, Starbrand, Ghost Rider, Firehair, Moon Knight, and Agamotto, the then Sorcerer Supreme, who teamed to defeat various forces of evil.

The latter joins Marvel Snap as he not only finds a new (and permanent home) in-game but gets ready to reassemble the "Prehistoric Avengers" into Snappers' deck. This mystical guide explains what we know about the Sorcerer Supreme, Agamotto, detailing his card abilities and mechanics, best synergies, top counters, and a few deck ideas to get Snappers started in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap Agamotto Card Abilities Explained

Agamotto is one of three characters considered the eternal Vishanti and a powerful mystical being within Marvel Comics. Agamotto was also believed to be Earth's first Sorcerer Supreme who had battled against formidable foes like Galactus and Dormammu; he continued to protect the planet from evil forces until a Sorcerer Supreme from Earth was eventually established.

Once this occurred, Agamotto passed on a handful of his personal artifacts to the next Sorcerer Supreme, including the Eye of Agamotto, the Orb of Agamotto, and the Book of Vishanti, which in comics are either located at the Sanctum Santorum or in the possession of the current Sorcerer Supreme whether that being Wong or Doctor Strange. Agamotto's artifacts mentioned have appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), in which the Eye is worn around the neck of Doctor Strange, the Book of Vishanti is at the Sanctum, and the Orb briefly appeared in Odin's Trophy Room in Thor.

However, appearances aside, Agamotto will take up a permanent residence in Marvel Snap as one of two new card releases in the first week of the Prehistoric Avengers season. Before its release, Agamotto was confirmed to have a power stat of five and ten Power and the ability to shuffle four Ancient Arcana into Snappers' hand at the start of the game.

Each Arcana skill card has an On Reveal ability, which, once played, has a new card mechanic called Banish, which sends cards to the Graveyard and cannot be resurrected or brought back to the game. Examining each Ancient Arcana skill card, we see different unique synergies for Agamotto, but Gorgon, Cosmo, and Darkhawk are a few potential counters against the Arcana cards.

Writer's Note: The four Arcana skill cards mentioned which all gets banished once played are: Temporal Manipulation (one Cost, 0 Power) which gives +3 Power to Agamotto and adds the card to their hand if he isn't in play and then Winds of Watoomb (two Cost, 0 Power) which afflicts an enemy card at its location with -5 Power and moves to the right location. The Bolts of Balthaak (three Cost, 0 Power) card gives Snappers +4 Energy on the next turn and Images of Ikonn (four Cost, 0 Power), transforming the other cards here into the highest Powered card.

As we'll discuss best synergies and top counters, Snappers can acquire Agamotto as the Season Pass reward, but it's unclear when Agamotto will be available at the Token Shop next season. Nevertheless, Snappers will likely spend between 3,000 and 6,000 Collector's Tokens depending on whether the card is a Series 4 or 5 card.

Best Marvel Snap Agamotto Decks: The Eye Of On Reveals

Each Arcana card generated by Agamotto is referred to as a skill card, and since they are banished to the Graveyard once played, they can never be used unless copied by a location or Frigga and retriggered by Grandmaster, Joaquin Torres, or Wong. Minus Joaquin Torres, Agamotto, and his Arcana skill cards synergize well in On Reveal decks.

Including Symbiote Spider-Man and Gorr the God Butcher may be possible instead of a card Snappers may not have in their Collection, as Gorr gains Power for every On Reveal card in play. This revealing deck from Marvel Snap content creator Den Hearthstone pairs a handful of great synergistic cards centered around Galacta and Namora, giving power buffs to cards in adjacent locations like Scarlet Spider and Black Panther.

This works exceptionally well if Namora is played onto the Wong location, doubling the Power given to cards in the adjacent locations and likewise for playing the Bolts of Balthakk and Temporal Manipulation skill cards to give Snappers +8 energy to use on the final turn and also give Agamotto +6 Power. They can also play the Images of Ikonn skill card at the Scarlet Spider's location to make more copies, which, on the final turn, play Arnim Zola on Black Panther to copy the card at the other locations and then activate the Scarlet Spider to add clones at different locations.

Best Marvel Snap Agamotto Decks: Good Cards – The Ancient Edition

The Good Cards deck archetype remains one of the more consistent and strong archetypes primarily centered around cards with great utility alone and within packages or combos. This was increasingly apparent following Namora, Scarlet Spider, and Galacta's releases as these cards often set subsequent play lines, and the same can be said with Agamotto.

This new iteration of the Good Cards archetype in this spotlighted deck from Marvel Snap content creator BynxPlays utilizes powerful synergistic cards that work alone or in tandem with other cards. As this deck features a few four Cost cards, Zabu will need to be able to play Galacta one turn early, and Nebula will be featured to bait their opponents to fill its location before it can gain Power per turn.

Iron Patriot can be played over on the Cap's Shield location before Sam Wilson or Galacta to ensure the generated card is discounted, and they can play Kate Bishop and Rocket Raccoon & Groot at Zabu's location, which are good targets for the Images of Ikonn Arcana card. Turn 5 could see the Temporal Manipulation and Bolts of Balthaak Arcana cards played for a huge final turn play with Captain Marvel, Enchantress, and possibly Agamotto if they have enough Energy to secure the win.

Best Marvel Snap Agamotto Decks: Roasting With Agamotto & Surtur

Surprisingly, given that Agamotto gains additional Power from the Temporal Manipulation Arcana card, Agamotto can meet Surtur's condition to trigger it to gain +2 Power. Since Surtur gained a rework in the last Balance update, which removed the restriction or cap on Surtur's power ceiling, Surtur can continue his reign of dominance with some new synergies to boast.

This fiery deck from Marvel Snap content creator Alexander Coccia features a few key packages to help Surtur break the power ceiling by setting up his playline. Zabu will be needed to discount a handful of four Cost cards like Attuma, Crossbones, and Cull Obsidian, and Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross ensures that a 10 Powered card is drawn to their hand.

Iron Patriot is included and can be played alongside a 10 Powered card on the next turn to guarantee the drawn card is discounted, and Sam Wilson gets a card slot as it can distribute Power between locations. With enough 10 Powered cards in play, this will discount Skaar, which is playing the Temporal Manipulation, and Bolts of Balthaak Arcana cards will help Snappers play the discounted Skaar, Agamotto, and Eson to guarantee the Victory Screen!

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