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Ijul Piece 2 Mythical Sphere Locations: How To Get

Find out where to find all the Mythical Sphere locations in Ijul Piece 2 in Roblox!
Ijul Piece 2 Mythical Sphere Locations: How To Get

Need to locate all the Mythical Spheres in Ijul Piece 2? I've got your back! By finding these objects, you can go to a special NPC and unlock some pretty nifty rewards, including loads of diamonds and cash, as well as rare items! So, where should you begin to look!? Well, that's where I come in.

Like trying to hunt down Dragon Balls, Mythical Spheres in Ijul Piece 2 are just as tricky to locate. And that's because they have a very low spawn and drop chance. But this guide will help clear the air by explaining everything you need to know to find them!

Where To Find All Mythical Sphere Locations In Ijul Piece 2 | Roblox

There are seven Mythical Spheres in Ijul Piece 2, and there are two main ways to get them. First, you can get them by defeating Sea Beast world bosses (2% chance to drop one Sphere, 1% chance to drop the remaining Spheres). These spawn every 30 minutes around Mini House Island—however, they are not reliable ways to obtain Mythical Spheres.

The best way is to hunt them down yourself. That's because Mythical Spheres also spawn under White Trees every 5 minutes. Although there is only a 1% chance they will spawn, the increased frequency makes them a lot easier to locate than the effort of having to beat Sea Beasts.

white tree locations ijul piece 2
Mythical Spheres have a 1% chance to spawn under White Trees every 5 minutes.

Where To Find All White Tree Spawn Locations In Ijul Piece 2 | Roblox

Here are all the White Tree locations in Ijul Piece 2:

  • Next to the Safe Zone on Windmill.
  • Next to the Lvl 25 Bandit Pro mobs on Windmill.
  • Mythical Spheres can sometimes spawn around the Lvl 1 Bandit mobs on Windmill.
  • Next to the Lvl 100 Monkey mobs on Jungle.
  • Behind the Saber V1 NPC on Jungle (there's another White Tree at the bottom of the cliff).
  • Next to the houses to the right of the Lvl 200 Marine Noob mobs on Shells Town.

Know of more White Tree locations in Ijul Piece 2? Let me know at [email protected]!

What Are The Mythical Sphere Wishes In Ijul Piece 2? | Roblox

By finding all the Mythical Spheres in Ijul Piece 2, you can go to the Mythical Sphere Wishes NPC. This character is located right next to the Padang Pyramid and grants you one of the following rewards:

  • 1.5M Diamonds
  • 1.5B Money
  • 7 Random Mythical Items (99% chance) or 1 Limited Item (1% chance) — excludes Checks and Mythical Spheres
  • Random Trait: Godlike (70% chance) or Celestial (30% chance)
wish npc location ijul piece 2
The Mythical Sphere Wishes NPC is located next to the Padang Pyramid.

Mythical Spheres are also required to unlock the Goku V2 Spec in Ijul Piece 2 at the merchant on Mini House Island. This will give you enhanced versions of Spirit Shot, Combo, Kamehameha, and Spirit Bomb.

That concludes my guide on how to locate all Mythical Spheres in Ijul Piece 2. So, in a nutshell, you can find them by defeating Sea Beasts or underneath White Trees in the game. In both cases, the chance is very low at 1-2%—but it's worth the effort finding them considering the rewards you can get!

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