League of Legends’ Gameplay Design Director, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter revealed the first list of changes, which will be implemented to the game in the soon-to-be-released 11.7 update.
Once again champions are in the spotlight, with eight of them to be nerfed, and nine of them about to be buffed.
The game's developers, as they have always done, appear to have plans to weaken the heroes which are too strong in professional play and on the ranked ladder. This is why the list of nerfed champions contains characters such as Rell and Hecarim.
Heracim is set to be nerfed in v11.7. (Picture: Riot Games)
The full nerf list goes as follows:
- Udyr
- Hecarim
- Ivern
- Rell
- Thresh
- Alistar
- Kai’Sa
- Tristana
On the other hand, the forthcoming update will surely leave some players joyful, as there are almost ten heroes who are set to receive buffs. We will have to wait and see whether it will help make these champions meta. The full buff list goes as follows:
- Kindred
- Yorick
- Braum
- Yasuo
- Mordekaiser
- Lissandra
- Ashe
- Varus
- Amumu
Besides the champions themselves, Riot is also planning to adjust some aspects of League of Legends.
Yasuo is to be buffed in the next patch. (Picture: Riot Games)
According to Yetter, the balance is looking to nerf three items - Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik’s Regards and Everfrost, while bolstering Serylda’s Grudge and Trinity Force. What’s more, Riot aims to adjust Turbo Chemtank, and specifically make it less about speed.
League of Legends’ 11.7 update will go live on Wednesday, 31st March.