The developers of Teamfight Tactics worked to make this set very unique. There are a lot of different units, augments, and items to make this one of the most flexible Sets of TFT to be ever made.
One of the best examples of this is Urgot. Urgot is one of the many units in TFT right now and he has a rather unique playstyle. If you want to play Set 8 of TFT, you should know the ins and outs of how to use Urgot. Here, we take a look at the different ways you can play him.
What Does Urgots Ability Do In TFT Set 8?
If we take a deep look into what Urgot can do, he is probably the definition of a flexible unit in TFT. This is mostly because of how his attack damage works and how his ability works.
First and foremost, we need to understand that Urgot is a Threat unit. Threats are completely new in TFT because their trait does not synergize with each other. No matter how many threats you put on the board, they will not synergize with each other. What you instead have is a naturally stronger unit that can be put on any composition.
On top of that, Urgot has very high attack damage as well which could make him a great late-game AD carry. But what is really unique is his ability, Undertow. Undertow sends in a giant wave that not only stuns enemies, but it also has a chance of grabbing treasure for you. That treasure can give you either gold or item components.
What Items Should I Put On Urgot In TFT?
A Thieves Glove is always good on Urgot. He is very flexible and is happy with nearly any item that he gets. But you can definitely give him some firepower as well.
If you are missing overall damage, you can give him AD items like Giant Slayer. He will turn into an AD carry that will absolutely shred through frontline units given how often his attacks go off. This is of course in case you do not have an AD unit already.
If you get Urgot early though, we suggest you give him AP items such as Spear of Shojin, Archangel's Staff, and Hextech Gunblade. This is because the chances you get treasure from your ability actually increase with higher AP. So while you might not be doing high damage, you will be getting a lot of gold and item components. If you do this early, you could end up with a massive economic advantage over your opponents.