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How To Play Good vs. Evil Chest Raid In Pet Simulator 99

Find out everything about the Good vs. Evil Chest Raid in Pet Simulator 99 in this guide.
How To Play Good vs. Evil Chest Raid In Pet Simulator 99
BIG Games / Pet Simulator 99

Want to know how to play the Good vs. Evil Chest Raid in Pet Simulator 99? You're in the right spot. Added in Update 18, this new minigame offers a chance to get Huge Sage Axolotl and Huge Devil Agony. And the best part? All you have to do is break chests and participate in each raid! Here's everything you need to know about the event!

How To Play Good vs. Evil Chest Raid in Pet Simulator 99

First things first—where is the Good vs. Evil Chest raid? Well, the answer is simple. You'll find this minigame in Zone 8 of the Angels vs. Demons world (accessible from any Spawn). To be more specific, the entrance is right behind the Diamond Egg.

The only catch is that the Chest Raid event only starts every 2 hours. If you're not sure how long you need to wait, just refer to the countdown timer on the door. Otherwise, simply enter the event and wait for the raid to begin. When it does, get going on breaking the chests and progressing through the rooms.

join chest raid pet sim 99

Tips To Beat Good vs. Evil Chest Raid

It's best to equip your strongest pets so you can grind through the chests quickly.  Another good tip is to join a team of players with strong pets so you can help each other progress through the Good vs. Evil raid in Pet Simulator 99. While you're at it, consider using the best enchant build.

The faster you destroy the chests, the more likely you are to receive rewards. Also, each room you pass through will earn you a point on the Good vs. Evil Chest Raid leaderboard (e.g., reaching room 40 will earn you 40 points)! On Jul. 6, the best players in the Good vs. Evil Chest Raid will be rewarded with HUGE pets.

Team Good members will get the Huge Sage Axolotl, while Team Evil will get the Huge Devil Agony. There are also other rewards for runner-ups: Top 25 - Rainbow Huge, Top 250 - Gold Huge, and Top 1,000 - Regular Huge. The event is quite straightforward and is a ton of fun with friends!

chest raid pet sim 99

And that's a wrap. If there's a mistake on this page, please let me know at [email protected] so I can correct it. Thank you!

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