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Adopt Me's Ambiance Editor Has Arrived Alongside QOL Changes

The new Adopt Me update doesn't pull any punches, delivering awesome QOL changes and exciting content features.
Adopt Me's Ambiance Editor Has Arrived Alongside QOL Changes
Uplift Games

Developer Uplift Games continues to deliver excellent content for our favorite cozy pet collection sandbox, Roblox Adopt Me. The most recent update is something special, adding a bunch of awesome quality-of-life changes, new music for the Jukebox, and most importantly, the Ambiance Editor!

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Let's jump in and take a look at the biggest additions in the new Adopt Me update so you know exactly what you should try out first when logging into Adoption Isle.

Adopt Me New Content: Ambiance Editor & More

Adopt Me ambiance Editor
The Ambiance Editor in Adopt Me is both powerful and fun to use. (Picture: Uplift Games)

The biggest addition to Adopt Me is the Ambiance Editor. This allows users to, in its most basic form, control the weather. Players can choose between several pre-sets for the weather, to make it sunny, raining, snowy and much more.

Then you can also go much, much deeper with the advanced menu. With the Ambiance Editor, Adopt Me players can fine-tune filters, lighting and atmosphere to their heart's content. Check out just how powerful the editor is via YouTuber Kydamilano's video below.

Alongside the Ambiance Editor, players also get some extra music on the Jukebox, from previous Adopt Me events, and you can get in the mood for building by enabling music in this mode as well. 

  • Building Music - Enjoy a new, cozy, and motivating tune when in Editing mode!
  • Jukebox - Does your Home require a specific kind of soundtrack? We added our previous event music to the Jukebox! Curate a spooky vibe with the Halloween track, or an out-of-this-world experience with the Moon Egg event music!
  • Confirm pop-up for high-price wallpapers - Have you ever accidentally spent your entire life savings on the Pepperoni Wallpaper? From now on, the game will make sure you really mean to make that interior decorating choice.

Fantastic, right? But that's not all...

All QOL Changes in Adopt Me

There's more than just the large chunks of content I've already outlined above for the new Adopt Me update. Check out the details below.

  • 🧪 Added a Choose Quantity popup when feeding Age-up Potions to your pets!
  • 📱 Adjusted the Back button on mobile in Focus view. It should no longer get blocked by other buttons!
  • 🛒 Equipping a Stroller through the Ride need will automatically place your pet into the Stroller!
  • 💙 The Choose Need will guarantee at least one Blue, base pet need to choose from.
  • 🐕‍🦺 Players can now attach leashes to their Friends and Family’s pets. Go on a walk with your pets-in-law!
  • 🐶🐱 We’ve added an easy way to switch between the two pets in Focus View when having two pets equipped with the Pet Handler Pro Certificate!

So there you have it, the massive Adopt Me update has been detailed. Now all you need to do is go ahead and start playing, enjoying the Ambiance Editor to set the mood!

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