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Fisch Brick Rod Titles: How To Get All Titles

Here's how to get all the Titles required to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch.
Fisch Brick Rod Titles: How To Get All Titles

Need to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch? Well, it might surprise you that Titles are needed as a sort of verification step. More specifically, before you can even access the hidden Brick Rod Room where the rod is purchased, you must equip one of the required Titles that rotate hourly.

But don't worry. This guide will detail every Title you need (and the respective times you must equip them) to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch.

How To Get All Titles For Brick Rod In Fisch | Roblox

The table below details all Titles required to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch. Each hour, a different title is required, meaning you must equip the right Title if you hope to add the fishing rod to your collection. The easiest Titles are probably "The Foolish" and "Extinct".

Note: I've provided the times in UTC (United Kingdom time) as well as EST and PST (United States times) for your convenience. For other timezones, I suggest using a time zone converter (like this one).

UTC EST PST Title How To Get
1 AM 8 PM 5 PM True Hakari Appraise a Fish and have it gain a Mutation
2 AM 9 PM 6 PM Made in Heaven Use a Sundial Totem 5 times
3 AM 10 PM 7 PM Chosen By Zeus Get Struck Down by a Zeus Storm Totem
4 AM 11 PM 8 PM Poseidon's Blessing Catch a fish with the Wrath Mutation
5 AM 12 AM 9 PM C$ Loaded Obtain over 100,000 C$ at once
6 AM 1 AM 10 PM The Holy Buy a Fairy Lantern from the Lantern Keeper (1/50)
7 AM 2 AM 11 PM Shark Slayer Catch a Shark in a Shark Hunt Event
8 AM 3 AM 12 AM The Drowned Enter the Hidden Whirlpool in Vertigo
9 AM 4 AM 1 AM Nightmare Conqueror Catch a Phantom Megalodon
10 AM 5 AM 2 AM Glimmerfin's Pupil Turn in an Algae to Dr Glimmerfin's Golden Tide Quest (no longer obtainable)
11 AM 6 AM 3 AM Ancient's Chosen One Catch an Ancient Megalodon three times and keep them in your inventory
12 PM 7 AM 4 AM Orcs Best Friend Complete Orc's quest at Roslit Bay and obtain the Magma Rod
1 PM 8 AM 5 AM Sea Sovereign Reach Level 90
2 PM 9 AM 6 AM Natural Selection Get killed by a Meteor 3 times
3 PM 10 AM 7 AM Treasure Master Obtained from Sunken Chests
4 PM 11 AM 8 AM Clumsy Not obtainable
5 PM 12 PM 9 AM Eternal Voyager Reach Level 100
6 PM 1 PM 10 AM The Foolish Die 5 Times
7 PM 2 PM 11 AM Extinct Get killed by a Meteor
8 PM 3 PM 12 PM Master Fischer Not obtainable
9 PM 4 PM 1 PM Vigilante Complete Agaric's quest at Mushgrove Swamp and obtain the Fungal Rod
10 PM 5 PM 2 PM Lady Of The Sea Catch 1,000 Fish
11 PM 6 PM 3 PM God Of The Seas Catch 5,000 Fish
12 AM 7 PM 4 PM True Hakari Appraise a Fish and have it gain a Mutation

That concludes my guide on how to get every Title required to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch. If you're in a region that observes daylight savings, the times may shift by an hour. Always confirm the time to ensure you're equipping the right title at the correct moment.

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