The lineup of characters within Roblox's Anime Spirits is extensive, featuring a range of anime figures, including those from One Punch Man, such as Saitama. Renowned as the mightiest character in the series, it's only natural to want to test his prowess in Anime Spirits.
Fortunately, you need not struggle to obtain him independently, as this guide is here to address all your queries regarding his presence in the game. Below, we'll detail precisely how to acquire Saitama in Anime Spirits, along with highlighting his abilities that render him a highly sought-after character within the game.
Unlocking Saitama and His Abilities in Roblox Anime Spirits
To acquire the Saitama fighting style in Anime Spirits, several prerequisites must be fulfilled, along with a small fee for accessing his abilities. Initially, players need to navigate to One Punch City in the Second Sea and locate the Saitamo Trainer on the island's right side. To unlock skills from him, you'll need 40k Gems and a Saitama Energy. After obtaining skills from the Saitama Trainer NPC, the final skill can be unlocked at the Saitama Awakener.
The Saitama Awakener is positioned on the opposite side of the island, adjacent to the boss's location. To access the final skill, 5 Saitama Shards are required, obtained by defeating the Saitama boss on the island. This battle is no easy task, so be prepared for a challenging fight.
Once enough shards have been collected and paid to the Awakener, access to all of Saitama's abilities and his fighting style is granted, offering powerful attacks and abilities. Saitama's set of 6 skills include:
- Serious Charge (E): Rush through different directions, dealing damage on every impact.
- Serious Punch (Z): Deliver a single-hit skill dealing massive damage.
- Serious Barrage (X): Launch super-fast consecutive hits to your enemy.
- Serious Uppercut (C): Unleash a powerful AoE move, sending a punch down the area in front of you.
- Serious Mode (V): Enter serious mode and buff yourself.
- Serious Destruction Punch (T): Execute the ultimate move, sending a powerful punch that creates a shockwave in front of you.
With this comprehensive breakdown, you now know how to unlock the Saitama fighting style in Roblox's Anime Spirits and have an understanding of how his abilities function. Make sure to incorporate his character skills into your offensive arsenal as you encounter tougher challenges throughout the game.