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Best Martyr Decks In Marvel Snap

These are some of the best Martyr decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Martyr Decks In Marvel Snap

Martyr is a one-cost, four-power card in Marvel Snap that, at the end of the game, will move to a location that loses you the game if possible. Keen-eyed fans will notice that this card has the exact opposite effect as Captain Marvel, who will move to a location that wins you the game if possible. 

At first glance, Martyr does not seem like a very good card, considering that it actively tries to hinder your progress. However, there are tons of reasons supporting the inclusion of Martyr into certain decks. 

So, if you are ready to start using Martyr in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Martyr in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Martyr has the opposite effect of Captain Marvel. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Martyr Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Martyr decks in Marvel Snap are those that can avoid the downside of Martyr's effect. This can be done either by filling every location, thereby giving Martyr nowhere to move, or by buffing Martyr enough that wherever it moves will not result in you losing the game. 

We will cover some of the key strategies players can use to succeed with Marty in Marvel Snap. 

Cerebro-4 Deck

Captain Marvel was a core component of Cerebro-5, and when this card was nerfed, it was a huge blow to the deck archetype. However, with the addition of Martyr, it might be enough to push Cerebro-4 into the meta. A one-cost four-power card is certainly nothing to scoff at, and when this is buffed by Cerebro and Mystique, it will be a one-cost eight-power card!

When used alongside the now nerfed Captain Marvel, it shouldn't matter where your cards end up moving to, as they will have enough power to counteract each other anyway!

Cerebro-4 Deck List:

Cerebro is a good card to use with Selene. (Picture: Nuverse)

Elsa Zoo Deck

Elsa Bloodstone has taken the Marvel Snap meta by storm, and Martyr seems like it could be a perfect fit into a traditional Elsa-style zoo deck. By filling every location with powerful cards and then buffing them up, Martyr will have nowhere to move at the end of the game and will be unable to lose you the game if possible. 

Elsa Zoo Deck List:

And these are the best Martyr decks in Marvel Snap!

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