FFXIV Patch 6.51 is finally here, and with it, a ton of new content is being added to the game. Along with new dungeons, new items, and a Fall Guys collaboration attraction, which can be found in the Gold Saucer, several new mounts will also be added to the game. Players wanting to get their hands on these mounts will need to fulfill several new criteria that have been introduced in this most recent patch.
One of these aforementioned new mounts is the Spectral Statice. This is a small fairy-like creature who will hold you by the back of your shirt and carry you through the air.
So, if you are interested in learning how to get this mount, you've come to the right place. This article will cover how to get the Spectral Statice mount in Final Fantasy XIV.
How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount In Final Fantasy XIV
In order to get the Spectral Statice mount in Final Fantasy XIV, players will need to clear all 12 routes of the new Aloalo Island variant dungeon. This dungeon has several branching paths, and players will need to fully clear each branch, defeating enemies in order to acquire this mount. Once these criteria have been met, players will earn the achievement "Good-willed Hunting."
In order to access the mount itself, players should head to the Achievements tab and sort by recently completed achievements. There, the Good-willed Hunting achievement should appear in the Dungeon section. Simply click on the "Claim" button in order to obtain the Spectral Statice flute.
As with all other mount whistles, players will need to consume this item via the in-game inventory in order to add the mount to their inventory.
This mount should be relatively easy to get as the variant dungeon has a low-entry requirement compared to the Criterion and Criterion Savage mode alternative. The variant dungeon can be challenged solo without a party of real teammates, meaning this mount can be acquired by almost everyone by simply putting in the time to grind out all 12 branches.
Alternatively, for players with more Gil than time, it is always possible to purchase the mount via the Market Board. However, for day one price, expect to be paying a lot of money for this mount.