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Enotria The Last Song Virtues And Stats Explained

Uncover your true strength as we explore the virtues and stats you can upgrade in Enotria: The Last Song.
Enotria The Last Song Virtues And Stats Explained
Jyamma Games

Dubbed a "Summer Souls" title, Enotira: The Last Song has arrived, offering players a fresh journey through an Italian-themed world as they strive to liberate it from stagnation and defeat the powerful authors behind it all. To succeed, you'll need to enhance the abilities of your character, the Maskless One, which requires a solid understanding of how your stats function.

In the game, your stats are tied to your character's Virtues, and knowing what each Virtue does will provide valuable insight into how to level them up and strengthen your character according to your playstyle. Let’s take a moment to explore how the Virtue system and stats work in Enotira: The Last Song.

Enotria: The Last Song Virtues Explained

In Enotria: The Last Song, your character, the Maskless One, possesses five Virtues, or main stats, which can be enhanced using Memoria—the currency dropped by bosses and enemies. This currency is essential for upgrades and purchasing items. The five Virtues are Bruiser, Assassin, Elementalist, Trickster, and Battlemage.

Virtues explained
The Virtues in Enotria each comprise a set of stats that go up as you upgrade each Virtue. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)

As you collect Memoria, you can allocate points to these Virtues, which in turn boosts their associated sub-stats. For example, increasing your Bruiser level enhances your health, physical defense, and resistance to status effects.

Now, let's explore the details of each Virtue and the specific stats that improve when you level them up:

Virtue Name Effect
  • Increase your Health and Physical Defense
  • Increase negation against the status effects
  • Increase Attack Power, which is the damage dealt by weapons
  • Increase Luck, which increases the chance of items dropping from enemies
  • Increase the effectiveness of Elemental Status inflicted by you
  • Increase all Elemental Power damage and Elemental Defense
  • Increase Stamina
  • Allow players to hold more consumables
  • Increase Ardore Power, including Unraveling attack and Mask Lines
  • The Mask Lines charge more quickly

Enotria: The Last Song Status Effect Stats Explained

When upgrading your Virtues, it’s important to understand how to enhance your resistance and strength against various Elemental status effects. This knowledge will help you either counteract these effects or incorporate them into your build. Here’s a quick breakdown of the status effects:

Special stats
Knowing how these special Elemental status effects work is vital to informing you Virtue upgrade choices. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)
  • Dizzy: Increases player damage and stamina regeneration but reduces defense.
  • Wicked: Boosts elemental damage, but if you get hit, the enemy regains health.
  • Radiant: Gradually restores player health over time, but being hit causes an explosion that damages both the player and nearby enemies.
  • Sick: Causes players to continuously lose health until the effect wears off.

As you can see, some of these effects, like Wicked and Dizzy, offer high-risk, high-reward options in combat. If you want to leverage these benefits, make sure to level the relevant Virtues. With this information, you now have a clearer understanding of the Virtues and special stats you can upgrade in Enotria: The Last Song.