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Enotria The Last Song: Path Of Innovator Perks Explained

Unlock the power of innovation as we delve into how the Path of Innovators works and the perks you can acquire in Enotria: The Last Song.
Enotria The Last Song: Path Of Innovator Perks Explained
Jyamma Games

While Enotria: The Last Song identifies as part of the Souls-like genre, it distinguishes itself by introducing various innovative features to master throughout your journey. A standout aspect is the game’s RPG elements, with the Path of Innovators being a prime example.

This system provides access to a perk tree you can unlock and equip as you progress. However, there are numerous factors to consider before simply adding them to your build. Let’s take a moment to break down how the Path of Innovators perk system works in Enotria: The Last Song.

What Are The Path Of Innovators In Enotria The Last Song

The Path of Innovators is a unique feature accessible through any of the Reality Knots in Enotria: The Last Song. Here, you'll find a skill tree menu divided into four branches based on your character's Virtues: Battlemage, Bruiser, Elementalist, and Trickster. Each tree contains nodes or perks that you can unlock using points earned by defeating enemies and gaining experience.

Path of Innovators Explained
The Path of Innovators is an upgrade tree of perks that you can unlock, with each perk falling in one of four Virtues. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)

These perks can be equipped for your character through the loadout menu, but you can only have six equipped at any given time. Each perk corresponds to its respective tree; for example, a Bruiser perk may enhance your character's overall health, physical damage output, and damage reduction rates.

All Path Of Innovator Perks In Enotria

Now that you have a clear understanding of how the Path of Innovators works, let’s break down each tree and the perks you can unlock:

Bruiser Path: Focuses on physical power and defense.

Path of Innovators Bruiser Path
Below are all the perks you can unlock in the Bruiser Path as well as their costs. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)
Perk Name Perk Cost Description
Armored Amber 100 Using the Armonia Amber briefly increases your Physical Defense and grants you Super Armor for the same duration.
Battle Fever 20 Killing an enemy briefly increases the damage dealt by Heavy Attacks.
Counter Reagents 40 The healing power of the Armonia Amber is increased for each elemental status effect currently active on you.
Danza De Spada 3 Dealing damage with Light Attacks increases the damage of Heavy Attacks, and vice versa. Suffering damage reset these effects.
Emergency Tweaks 40 While your health is below a certain threshold, you will Parry attacks more effectively.
Layer Of Thorns 3 Suffering melee damage causes the attacker to sustain physical damage in return.
Maestro Combattente 300 Dealing damage with a weapon attack causes the enemy to suffer additional damage over time.
Path Of Fury 3 Inflicting damage with a weapon briefly increases your Physical Power. This effect can stack.
Path Of Preservation 3 Inflicting damage with a weapon briefly increases your Physical Defense. This effect can stack.
Poised Stride 20 When your health is above a certain threshold, your Physical Defense is increased.
Reckless Abandon 40 When your health is below a certain threshold, your Physical Power is increased.
Refined Instincts 20 Your Physical Power is increased every few seconds. This effect can stack. Suffering damage resets this effect.
Riling Amber 70 Using the Armonia Amber briefly increases your Physical Power based on the amount of health recovered.
Stalwart Duelist 20 Perfectly parrying an attack heals you by a portion of your maximum Health. This effect is improved when you are low on Health.
Sudden Rush 100 Dealing damage with a weapon attack has a chance of partially refunding its Stamina cost.
Tis But A Scratch 70 You receive less damage from ranged attacks.
True Grit 40 Dodging costs more Stamina, and your Dodge Attacks deal increased damage.

Trickster Path: Enhances attack power and offense.

Path of Innovators Trickster Path
Below are all the perks you can unlock in the Trickster Path as well as their costs. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)
Perk Name Perk Cost Description
Annihilator 100 Your weapon attacks have a chance to deal increased damage.
Astute 70 Killing an enemy slightly charges up all your Mask Lines.
Excess Agility 20 Your Stamina Regeneration is significantly increased, but you suffer increased damage from all sources.
Exploit Weakness 100 Your Status Power is increased. Additionally, all damage dealt to an enemy affected by a status effect is increased.
Gambler's Heart 40 Killing an enemy increases your Luck for a while.
Item Specialist 40 Using any item briefly increases your Physical Power. This effect can stack.
Maestro d'Inganni 300 Inflicting damage to an enemy whose health is below a certain threshold instantly kills it. Said threshold is lower the stronger the enemy.
Overestimation 20 Landing a finishing attack on minor enemies instantly kills them.
Path Of Assassination 3 Upon dealing damage, your Stamina Regeneration is briefly increased.
Path Of Trickery 3 Your Status Power and the damage dealt by finishing attacks are increased.
Perfected Amber 40 Performing a finishing attack instantly restores 1 Armonia Amber charge.
Preparedness 3 Dodging an attack causes the attacker to be slightly Unraveled.
Ruthlessness 100 After landing a finishing attack on an enemy, your Stamina consumption is briefly reduced.
Supreme Focus 3 When your Stamina is above a certain threshold, your Physical, Status and Elemental Power are slightly increased.
Trained Arm 40 Increases the damage dealt by Dodge Attacks.
Trump Card 20 Dodging an attack briefly increases your Physical, Status, and Elemental Power by a small amount.
Unending Threat 20 Killing an enemy restores a small portion of your Max Health. This effect is more powerful if your health is below a certain threshold.

Elementalist Path: Boosts elemental power and infusions.

Path of Innovators Elementalist Path
Below are all the perks you can unlock in the Elementalist Path as well as their costs. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)
Perk Name Perk Cost Description
Afterlife Touch 40 While you are affected by Wicked, your Elemental Power is increased even further.
Attuned Gauntlet 70 Perfectly parrying an attack increases your Physical Power for a brief duration.
Celestial Attunement 40 Increases all healing received while affected by Radiant.
Drunken Stupor 40 While affected by Dizzy, your Physical Power and Stamina Regeneration are increased even further.
Fatuo Path 3 Upon casting the Mask Line equipped in Slot 3, your weapon is briefly infused with Fatuo.
Gratia Path 3 Upon casting the Mask Line equipped in Slot 1, your weapon is briefly infused with Gratia.
Infusion Master, Part 1 20 While your weapon is infused, you deal increased elemental damage.
Infusion Master, Part 2 20 While your weapon is infused, Mask Lines deal more damage and charge up more effectively.
Infusion Master, Part 3 20 While your weapon is infused, your Stamina Regeneration is increased.
Infusion Master, Part 4 100 While your weapon is infused, perfectly parrying an attack deals extra damage based on the element.
Infusion Master, Part 5 100 While your weapon is infused, jump attacks deal increased damage.
Maestro Elementale 300 Your Elemental Power and Status Defense are massively increased.
Malanno Path 3 Upon casting the Mask Line equipped in Slot 4, your weapon is briefly infused with Malanno.
Purifying Amber 70 Using Armonia Amber clears Elemental Statuses.
State Of Harmony 20 Increases the duration of all weapon infusions.
Vessel Of Pestilence 40 While affected by Sick, your Malanno negation is increased and the effectiveness of the Sick Aura is increased even further.
Vis Path 3 Upon casting the Mask Line equipped in Slot 2, your weapon is briefly infused with Vis.

Battlemage Path: Concentrates on Mask Lines and Ardore power.

Path of Innovators Battlemage Path
Below are all the perks you can unlock in the Battlemage Path as well as their costs. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)
Perk Name Perk Cost Description
Advanced Strategist 100 Upon engaging in combat with a boss enemy, your Mask Lines are partially charged up.
Astral Walk 20 Upon dodging an attack, your Mask Lines charge up more efficiently for a brief duration.
Chemical Amber 20 The healing power of the Armonia Amber is reduced but briefly increases your Ardore Power when used.
Essence Catalyst 40 Killing an enemy with a Mask Line briefly increases your Ardore Power.
Eye Of Finesse 40 Mask Lines deal increased damage to enemies left exposed from Unraveling.
Farsighted 3 Casting a ranged Mask Line briefly increases your Ardore Power. Additionally, the Mask Line charges up slightly.
Greater Inner Might 3 Casting a Mask Line grants you increased Physical Defense as well as Super Armor for a short duration.
Inner Abundance 20 Casting any Mask Line heals you by a portion of your Max Health.
Inner Might 3 Upon being hit while a Mask Line is being used, that Mask Line will charge up slightly. This can only occur once per Mask Line cast.
Maestro Decoratore 300 Your Ardore Power is greatly increased. Additionally, each time a Mask Line is used, there is a small chance of instantly charging up all of them.
Overdrive Amber 40 The healing power of the Armonia Amber is reduced but slightly charges up your Mask Lines when used.
Path Of Destruction 20 Mask Lines charge up slower but deal more damage.
Path Of Spellcasting 3 Mask Lines charge up faster but deal less damage.
Sap Essence 40 Killing an enemy with a Mask Line causes it to partially recharge.
Transcendence 70 While your health is below a certain threshold, your Ardore Power is increased.
Unleashed 100 Casting a Mask Line triggers an explosion around you.
Vigorous 70 While your health is above a certain threshold, your Mask Lines charge up more efficiently.

And there you have it - a comprehensive overview of the Path of Innovators and the nodes available for unlocking. Be sure to choose your perks carefully, considering how they fit into your build to maximize their effectiveness and survive your journey in Enotria: The Last Song.