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All Destiny 2 Europa Region Chest Locations

Here's a quick guide on how to find all the region chests on Europa in Destiny 2
All Destiny 2 Europa Region Chest Locations

Europa is one of the many locations in Destiny 2 currently. Introduced in the Beyond Light expansion, this location is covered in ice and hides a Pyramid of the Black Fleet. This is where the Guardians received their Stasis powers as well, making it a very important location in the history of the Vanguard. 

There are a total of nine region chests on Europa in Destiny 2, with each of its landing zones containing three. When looted, these region chests will reward you with planetary materials, glimmer, and in some cases, region-specific legendary gear as well. While some of them are fairly easy, some are really difficult to spot. Having said that, here are all the region chests that you will find on Europa in Destiny 2.

All Europa Region Chest locations in Destiny 2

As mentioned before, the entire planet is divided into three basic segments: Asterion Abyss, Eventide Ruins, and Cadmus Ridge. 

Asterion Abyss Region Chests


  • When you enter this area, you will come across a circular Vex structure. Scale this structure and then climb the Vex tower right beside it. You'll find a region chest sitting on top of this tower.
  • From the landing zone in this region, keep heading north. Right were the slope ends, you'll notice a crack. There's a region chest hidden in this crack itself. 
  • From the above location, make a right till you get to the edge of the map. The region chest is located on a small platform right after the edge. 

Eventide Ruins


  • Land at Eventide Ruins and then make your way to Riis-Reborn Approach. There should be a building here to your left. Don't go into the gravity lifts, instead keep walking on the walkway on the left. You'll find your first region chest here.
  • Make your way to the Eventide Ruins landing zone once again and travel to the building on the right. Head into the building through the doorway, and you'll hit a dead end. Jump up and reach the platform above to collect the region chest here.
  • The final chest is located in the southern part of the map here. Head into the building and then jump up on the crate behind you. You'll find an entrance, head inside and you'll find a chest here. 

Cadmus Ridge


  • The first chest can be found right above the Bray Exoscience facility in Cadmus Ridge.
  • For the second chest, make your way into Cadmus Ridge through Charon's Crossing. You'll see a glacier here. Jump on it and make your way to the point where the second glacier starts rising. The chest can be found here. 
  • The final chest is located inside a cave to the south of Cadmus Ridge in Destiny 2. 

That's all you need to know about the Europa region chests in Destiny 2. Good luck finding them Guardian!