Despite Dave the Diver's core gameplay loop revolving around ocean exploration and deep sea fishing, scattered between it all are a series of quests that carry players through the game's main story. These range from solving certain mysteries, to securing certain ingredients, to retrieving missing items that have been lost at sea. One quest from Duff falls into the latter.
As you continue through the game's story, you'll eventually hit a quest from Duff who, in exchange for providing some necessary equipment and upgrades for Dave, tasks him with locating a missing delivery — a pink delivery box containing a figurine of his beloved Leah-chan. The only information you'll have to go on is that the delivery should be amongst a Yellow Shipwreck.
Where To Find The Yellow Shipwreck In Dave The Diver
The first thing you need to prepare for is the depth at which you'll need to reach in order to enter the shipwreck. Both the pink delivery box and the shipwreck should be found at roughly 100 meters deep, meaning you'll need to have upgraded your Diver Suit enough to withstand the depths.
With preparations made, you'll now need to figure out exactly where the shipwreck can be found. The good news is that you shouldn't have to go too far. From your inital starting point of your dive, continue heading down. Knowing that you'll need to be at roughly 100 meters in depth, you'll be able to move along the axis until you find it. One point of reference that you can make use of is the Limestone Caves. If you find these caves, simply head west. Eventually you should come across the Yellow Shipwreck, nestled into the rock.
You'll also spot the pink delivery box needed for Duff's quest. But, as you move towards it, a giant tenticle will emerge, pulling the delivery box away. You'll then be summoned by Duff to return the surface once more to move onto the next stage of the quest where you'll be given the Gas Cutter.