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USEA CS2 Season 1 Announced With "ONLY FPS, ONLY in the USA"

A brand-new US-based tournament organizer has emerged and will host a massive event to kick off proceedings.
USEA CS2 Season 1 Announced With "ONLY FPS, ONLY in the USA"

You can start waving your United States flag now...we all know you want to. Despite being from South Africa, I still have some national pride, and you know what...the United States Esports Affiliation (USEA) has great promise for US Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) fans and teams alike.

Don't feel bad if you haven't heard about the USEA before. It is, after all, a brand-new organization that was created by CEO Ben Williamson and the VP of Marketing, Michael Peebles. Instead of going small, the USEA has announced its inaugural season to have a $350,000 prize pool, with an online league that finishes up in an LAN for the final eight teams.

The mantra is "Born to Win!" with the tagline "ONLY FPS, ONLY in the USA" focusing on CS2. There's, of course, some flag-waving and a whole lot of hype-building, which is fair, since the US CS2 scene has, for the most part, been seen second-tier compared to the European scene. 

USEA united states esports affiliation season 1 counter-strike 2 CS2
We can't wait to learn more about the USEA and see how Season 1 goes down with the US CS2 community. (Picture: USEA)

That's probably why, on the USEA website, the organizers had this little message to share:

USA eSports have been laughed at, ridiculed, and looked down upon for decades. Introducing the first ever, USA only FPS based eSports league and player development platform. Climb the ladder, go pro.

There are, however, some doubters, mainly due to past issues in the scene. Don't just take my word for it, however, as the founder and CEO of Complexity, Jason Lake, shared his thoughts on X, stating:

I’m keeping an open mind about USEA for now. It would be easy to be cynical and gate keep (as we’ve seems lots of grifters, frauds and scams in the last two decades) but let’s see how it goes. IF it’s legit it could benefit our scene.

USEA united states esports affiliation season 1 counter-strike 2 CS2
It's good to keep an open mind. Let's hope everything works out for the USEA in its first season. (Picture: Jason Lake via X)

You can visit the USEA website for more info, follow USEA on X, and join their Discord server. Registrations and more info is "coming soon."

As a huge CS2 esports fan, I'll follow the USEA closely to bring you more news and details. Don't forget to check out our Counter-Strike 2 section for more esports coverage, news, updates, interviews, and opinions.