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How To Get Ghillie Suit In Modern Warfare 2

Ghillie Suit is one of the most popular operator skins in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, here is how you can grab it.
How To Get Ghillie Suit In Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features a ton of cosmetics, and among them, Ghillie Suit is one of the most popular among the players. It was introduced in Modern Warfare, and the costume makes it easier for you to hide from enemies because of its appearance. Ghillie Suit was introduced in Modern Warfare 2 as a part of the collaboration between Jack Links and Activision

Can You Still Get Ghillie Suit In Modern Warfare 2?

Ghillie Suit was a part of collaboration between Activision and Jack Links.
Ghillie Suit was a part of collaboration between Activision and Jack Links. (Picture: FancyFawn)

Unfortunately, Ghillie Suit is not obtainable anymore in the game as the collaboration period with Jack Links is over. In order to get it, you needed to participate in the promotional offer by going to a local store and buying at least four Jack Links products. 

With each product, you would have received a code you could redeem on the official website of Call of Duty to get the rewards listed below.

  • Sasquatch Character Skin
  • Sasquatch Animated Emblem 
  • Sasquatch Weapon Charm
  • Sasquatch Animated Player Card

Once you redeem four codes, you get rewarded with Ghillie Suit in the game. However, since the promotional period ended on 31st October, you can no longer buy the promotional products, but if you have some already, you can redeem their codes by April 2023.

For more Call of Duty news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our MW2 Guides & Tutorials below:

Modern Warfare 2 Guides - Jack Links Skin | Unlock All Operators | Check Server Status | Get Twitch Drops | Post-Credit Scene Explained | Unlock Gold Camo | Get Burger Town OperatorMGB Nuke | Unlock Every Weapon | All Killstreaks | Safe Code Locations | Check KD Ratio | XP Farm Trick | Chopper Gun Glitch | Weapon Tuning |Change Name Color | Hardcore Tier 1 Mode | Turn Off Crossplay | Steam Deck 

Modern Warfare 2 Fixes & Issues - Best NVIDIA GeForce Drivers | Dev Error 6036 | MW2 Missing Items | Unlimited Tactical Sprint Bug Stuck On Installing Bug | Display Name Not Allowed Bug | Gold Camo Not Unlocking | Voice Chat Not Working

Best Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts - Weapon Tier List | M4 Loadout | PDSW 528 Loadout|TAQ-V Loadout|M4 Loadout | Fennec 45 

Featured image courtesy of Activision.

For more Call of Duty news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our MW2 Guides & Tutorials below:

Modern Warfare 2 Guides - Jack Links Skin Unlock All Operators Check Server Status Get Twitch Drops Post-Credit Scene Explained Unlock Gold Camo Get Burger Town Operator MGB Nuke Unlock Every Weapon All KillstreaksSafe Code Locations | Check KD Ratio | XP Farm Trick | Chopper Gun Glitch | Weapon Tuning | Change Name Color | Hardcore Tier 1 Mode Turn Off Crossplay | Steam Deck | Raid: Atomgrad | How To Play "Support A Team" | Unlock Orion Camo | Aim Assist Settings

Modern Warfare 2 Fixes & Issues- Best NVIDIA GeForce Drivers Dev Error 6036 MW2 Missing Items Unlimited Tactical Sprint Bug Stuck On Installing Bug Display Name Not Allowed Bug | Gold Camo Not Unlocking | Voice Chat Not Working| Display FPS Counter

Best Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts -  Best Weapon Tier List | M4 Loadout PDSW 528 Loadout | TAQ-V Loadout | M4 Loadout | Fennec 45 | No Recoil M4 Loadout | SA-B 50 Loadout | Kastov-74U Loadout