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How To Get Heian Era Sukuna Moveset In Jujutsu Shenanigans

A step-by-step method to get Heian Sukuna Moveset in private server in Jujutsu Shenanigans.
How To Get Heian Era Sukuna Moveset In Jujutsu Shenanigans
Picture: Hiitadri

The latest Jujutsu Shenanigans update has brought the Heian Sukuna moveset to the game and one of the most asked questions is how it can be obtained in private server. The process is not easy to figure out, but to help you, here is a complete guide to getting it in the game on a private server.

Guide To Get Heian Sukuna Moveset In Jujutsu Shenanigans Private Server

Place four movesets
Place four movesets. (Picture: GINX)

The first step is to spawn four moveset blocks in a line with some space among them. Now, click on the first moveset and from the list of movesets, scroll down until you find Divergent Fist. 

Edit the Move Key for that moveset to 5, the next one to 6 and so on. While doing this, change the Input ID to any two letters of your choice, but make sure it is the same for all of them. Next, increase the size of all the blocks to make them larger than your character. 

Edit Move Key and enter Input ID
Edit Move Key and enter Input ID. (Picture: GINX)

Add a touch block to cover all four blocks and enter the Output ID, which is the same as the Input ID that you set for the other moveset blocks. Now, simply walk through those boxes and you should have the moveset. 

Keep in mind that the full character is not in the game at the moment and will be added with the next update.

We would like to thank Deadshot for a simple guide regarding it, you can check out their video below and make sure to subscribe them: