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Fisch Coal Bait: How To Get

Here's how to get coal bait in Fisch.
Fisch Coal Bait: How To Get

Need help to find Coal Bait in Fisch? No problem! This bait is essential for catching certain types of volcanic fish, including the limited Ashcloud Archerfish from the Ashfall Bestiary. However, Coal Bait isn’t easy to come by as it can only be obtained from Volcanic Geodes, so you'll need the right tools to farm it.

To help you out, I’ve put together this guide explaining how to get Coal Bait in Fisch, including where to find Volcanic Geodes and which fish prefer this unique bait.

How To Get Coal Bait In Fisch | Roblox

Coal is a rare kind of bait in Fisch that can be obtained exclusively from Volcanic Geodes (purchasable for 600C$ from the Traveling Merchant or fished from lava at the Roslit Volcano). Volcanic Geodes have a very low rarity and are quite easy to get with the right equipment.

Specifically, you must use the Magma Rod and equip Magnet bait (there's no preference on time, weather, or season). When you find the Volcanic Geode, you must open it to extract the Coal bait. It will give you -10 Resilience and +45 Preferred Luck bonuses.

how to get coal bait in fisch
You must use the Magma Rod to fish in the Roslit Volcano.

Which Fish Prefer Coal Bait In Fisch? | Roblox

Coal is the preferred bait for many fish in the Roslit Bay area, including the Magma Tang, Ember Perch, Ember Snapper, Pyrogrub, Obsidian Salmon, and Obsidian Swordfish. It's also needed to catch the Cursed Eel (found in Forsaken Shores), Ancient Eel (found in The Depths), and Ashcloud Archerfish (a limited fish in the Ashfall Bestiary).

And that's pretty much everything to know about Coal bait in Fisch. To get it, you just need to fish with the Magma Rod in the lava of the Roslit Volcano. It's that simple.

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