The original cast of Resident Evil - Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith and Eric Pirius, and Linda (Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Albert Wesker, and Rebecca Chambers, respectively), - have teamed up for a second official cast reunion by Residence of Evil founder JJ Trulock.
In the 45-minute panel, the group discussed the original Resident Evil game, how they came to get their roles, and how far the franchise has come since its start back in 1996. Kraslavsky, Smith, Pirius, and Linda all played their respective characters in the live-action cutscene at the beginning of the original Resident Evil game, but didn't voice them.
While Kraslavsky, Smith, and Pirius got together to chat in the first RE cast reunion video also by Trulock, this was the first time they were joined by Rebecca Chambers' voice actress, Linda. In fact, it's the first time she's spoken about her role in Resident Evil at all.
“I didn’t know a lot about the job, or that anyone was looking for [me] up until probably about four years ago, where someone reached out to me, and they found me," she explained.
Linda wasn't a professional actor, and instead explained that she was chosen for the role simply because she was in Japan at the time.
You can check out the full cast reunion just below:
Resident Evil veterans might be wondering where Jill Valentine's actress is, given that she's one of the only major characters missing from the panel. Dedicated fans found Jill Valentine's original actress, known as Inezh, back in 2020. However, she hasn't ever spoken out about her role in Resident Evil.