The Boxwood Comb is just one of the 15 Family Heirlooms you'll need to pick up as a Collector for Red Dead Online's Madam Nazar. While locating the Boxwood Comb and other items like the Ebony Hairbrush can earn you some amazing rewards in XP and RDO$, you'll need to understand how the game's cycles work in order to find it.
If you're looking for the Boxwood Comb and you don't know where else to check, don't fret. In this guide, we'll explain how to find the Boxwood Comb in Red Dead Online so you can add this to your Madam Nazar Collection.
Where To Find The Boxwood Comb In Red Dead Online
The Boxwood Comb moves around the Red Dead Online map according to the game's six cycles. The cycles in Red Dead Online change each day at 12 am GMT (8 pm ET / 5 pm PT).
Cycles do not activate in a specific pattern in Red Dead Online; instead, they are random, so it's not always easy to tell which cycle is currently active. There is no in-game indicator to tell you whether you're on Cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
So, when the cycles change, the Boxwood Comb collectible will move to a new location around the map. Since there are six different cycles, there are six different potential Boxwood Comblocations, depending on which cycle is currently active in Red Dead Online.
If you're wondering which cycle is currently ongoing in Red Dead Online, check out this handy interactive Red Dead Online map, which also visualizes all of the Boxwood Comb locations in the game.
All Boxwood Comb Locations In Red Dead Online
Cycle | Location |
1 | At the large house east of Cumberland Falls; inside a chest at the foot end of the bed |
2 | Roughly at the midpoint between the Annesburg and Brandywine Drop markers on the map; inside the house in the tall wardrobe |
3 | Inside the Valentine inn; upstairs on the dresser in room 2B |
4 | In Strawberry; in a house, inside the chest by the big bed on the second floor |
5 | South of the "H" in "New Hanover" on the map; in a house on a shelf next to the door |
6 | East Saint Denis; in a big chest near the statue |
That's it for how and where to find the Boxwood Comb Family Heirloom in Red Dead Online. After finding and collecting the Boxwood Comb you should move on to other Madam Nazar collectibles like the Eagle Egg.