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Best Ghost Rider Decks In Marvel Snap

Here are the best Ghost Rider decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Ghost Rider Decks In Marvel Snap

Ghost Rider is one of the most powerful cards in Marvel Snap, capable of winning an entire location all by itself under the right circumstances. On Reveal, Ghost Rider brings back a random card you discarded in this game to the same Location in which it is played. When used in conjunction with cards like Lady Sif to target powerful high-cost cards, it is possible to add twenty-three power to a Location as early as turn four! 

Like with any kind of Discard deck, there is definitely an element of randomness to Ghost Rider's ability. However, if you enjoy the rush of dropping The Infinaut on your unsuspecting opponent at the start of the game, Ghost Rider may just be the card you need. So, let's take a look at some of the best Ghost Rider decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Best Ghost Rider Decks In Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap
Lady Sif is a great card to use with Ghost Rider. (Picture: Nuverse)

Ghost Rider needs support from other discard cards in order to work effectively. Players will need to ensure that powerful cards in their hand are discarded by using enablers like Lady Sif before Ghost Rider brings them back a turn later. Alternatively, Ghost Rider is great for salvaging a bad discard play. For example, if you accidentally discard Hela, Ghost Rider is able to bring her back without a second thought. 

Standard Ghost Rider Discard Deck

The Standard Ghost Rider Discard package involves playing the most optimal discard cards like Lady Sif to ensure Ghost Rider hits something worthwhile. Then, after locking your opponent out of a lane with your Ghost Rider plus Infinaut play, you can continue to play discard cards until capping off the game with Hela or Apocalypse. 

Standard Ghost Rider Discard Deck List:

Marvel Snap
MODOK and Ghost Rider have great synergy. (Picture: Nuverse)

Ghost Rider + MODOK Discard Deck

Ghost Rider and MODOK have great synergy. The game plan here is essentially the same as any other Discard deck. However, a few different cards are run in this package in order to take full advantage of MODOK's ability. Discarding your entire hand is a very powerful effect when used in conjunction with cards like Apocalypse and Swarm. Ghost Rider is here to help support your early game while you build towards your turn five and six power play. 

Ghost Rider + MODOK Discard Deck List:

And these are the best Ghost Rider decks in Marvel Snap!

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