HoYoverse released a short animated film called "Honkai: Star Rail — A Flash" on May 10, featuring the fight between Jing Yuan and a newly introduced character, Jingliu, who is Jing Yuan's master. With that, leaks are suggesting that Jingliu will be available as a playable character in the future and will be a 5-star character with Ice Element and Destruction Path.
If you are wondering when Jingliu's banner will release in Honkai: Star Rail and what her abilities will be, here is everything you need to know.
Jingliu should be released as the first banner character in Honkai Star Rail patch 1.4
Honkai Star Rail Jingliu Release Date
HoYoverse's drip marketing has confirmed that Jingliu will be released in Honkai Star Rail patch 1.4. She will likely be the first unit released during this patch.
Jingliu Abilities, Eidolon, Traces
While HoYoverse has not revealed the abilities of Jingliu, leaks by Mero have revealed her abilities, which you can find below.
- Feathered Frost (Basic Attack): Deals Ice DMG to one enemy and gains 2 stacks of "New Moon."
- Moonlit River (Skill): Deals Ice DMG to one enemy and surrounding enemies. Consumes 2 stacks of "Moonlight."
- Moonlit (Ultimate): Deals Ice DMG to one enemy and the surrounding enemies. If Jingliu is in a "Transcendence" state, gains 2 stacks of "Moonlight" after the attack. If not, gains 2 stacks of "New Moon."
When having 4 stacks of "New Moon," Jingliu enters the "Transcendence" state and sacrifices her own and her teammates' HP to increase her ATK. In the "Transcendence" state, "New Moon" turns into "Moonlight," and Jingliu gains a new skill, "Moonlit River." When "Moonlight" stacks reach 0, Mirror Stream exits the "Transcendence" state.
At the beginning of a battle, Jingliu gains 2 stacks of "New Moon."
Traces & Eidolons
- Deathrealm: While in the Spectral Transmigration state, increases Effect Res by 35%.
- Sword Champion: While in the Spectral Transmigration state, increases SPD by 10%.
- Frost Wraith: While in the Spectral Transmigration state, increases DMG by 10%.
- Lunar Assault Upon Tianguan Gates: When using her Utimate or Enhanced Skill, Jingliu’s Crit Rate increases by 12% for 1 turn. If only one enemy target is attacked, the DMG originally intended for adjacent targets will also be calculated against the current target, dealing Ice DMG equal to 60% of the DMG adjacent targets would have received.
- New Moon’s Dark Overshadows Qixing Dipper: Increase Ultimate’s DMG by an additional 30%.
- Waxing Half Gazing in Earnest: Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
- Moonlight Shaft Held Aloft: While in the Spectral Transmigration state, the ATK obtained from consuming allies’ HP is additionally increased by 10% of the total HP that has been consumed from the entire team. The cap for ATK increased in this way increases by 40%.
- Darkness Encroaches on the Celestial Bear: Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
- Eclipse Transforms into Hollow Emptiness: When Jingliu enters the Spectral Transmigration state, obtain 1 stacks of Syzygy. While she is in the Spectral Transmigration state, her Crit DMG increases by 50%.