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College Football 25 Pipeline Explained, Best Pipelines in Dynasty

When you jump into College Football 25 Dynasty Mode, having the right pipeline will make a big difference.
College Football 25 Pipeline Explained, Best Pipelines in Dynasty
GINX/Patches Chance

If you're planning to build long-term success in College Football 25 Dynasty Mode, nothing becomes more important than consistent recruiting. When choosing or creating your coach for Dynasty, one critical early decision will be choosing your pipeline. Here, we'll break down what your pipeline choice means and outline the best pipelines in College Football 25.

What does pipeline mean in College Football 25?

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When you're choosing a pipeline in College Football 25, it's all about setting your coach up for success when recruiting. Browsing the prospect list in any Dynasty Mode save will show a column for Pipeline Influence Level. This ranges from Level 1 to Level 4 (with 4 being the highest level of influence), and in some cases it'll be blank if you don't have any effective influence on that pipeline.

Your Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, and Defensive Coordinator's pipelines will each have an impact on your recruiting. Stacking coaches with the same pipelines will give you even more power in those regions, but diversifying them gives you more options around the country.

Pipeline Influence Level is also affected by the history of each school's recruiting, as top schools closer to specific regions have always had better odds of recruiting. This means smaller schools and those far from prime pipelines will need coach pipeline boosts to have good chances of landing recruits against some of those top schools.

Best Pipeline in College Football 25

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First up, rest assured pipeline has little to no impact on Road to Glory. You can choose your school regardless of the pipeline your hometown puts you in, so the only time pipelines really matter is in Dynasty Mode.

When it comes to guaranteeing influence on the highest ranked talent in the nation, these are the best pipelines in College Football 25:

  • Central Florida
  • East Texas
  • North Florida
  • North Texas
  • Northern California
  • South Florida
  • Southern California
  • Southwest Texas

With strong high school football in Florida, Texas, and California a constant, their pipelines will always get regular access to highly ranked prospects. A few of these have even more specific benefits, but much of that is still being discovered.

We know that Southern California is best for recruiting elite quarterbacks, East Texas tends to produce physical wide receivers, and South Florida has more speedy deep threat wide receivers. Position boosts for other pipelines in College Football 25 haven't been confirmed yet, but any recruiting focused coach can succeed with one of these top options.

If these pipelines are far from your school, you can still see plenty of success with something more local. For smaller schools, picking something nearby helps give you an edge if your area does produce a high quality prospect, but it can mean scoring players from the best pipelines will require a lot of weekly recruiting hours to convince them.