Although we are getting closer and closer to the launch of the long-awaited Diablo 4, there are many out there who are still playing Diablo 2. Diablo 2 was highly regarded as the best Diablo game and with good reason. With the launch of Diablo 2 Resurrected, there are plenty of reasons to play through the seasons that the game is going through.
Although Resurrected is now available for everyone, there are still those who would prefer to play the original Diablo 2 game. Maybe they think that the classes feel better in the original game. For those who are still interested in playing the original game, there is plenty of reasons to do so. For example, a new mod makes it so that Diablo 2 runs at 60 FPS.
A New Mod Makes Diablo 2 Run At 60 FPS
When there is a community that is passionate about the game they are playing, the community will support that game. What this means is that there are those who are willing to put the time and effort into modding the game to make it better or to add features that were not previously in the game.
There is a team that is doing so that is called Project Diablo 2. Project Diablo 2 is a group of people that are passionate about the original Diablo 2 game and are adding mods so the game can run even better. One addition they recently made is that Diablo 2 will now run at 60 FPS. This will make Diablo 2 run a lot smoother during highly intense gameplay.
More Info About Diablo 2 Running At 60 FPS
As we mentioned before, Diablo 2 running at 60 FPS is not official. Downloading the original Diablo 2 game through Blizzard will not get you a game that has 60 FPS. Players will have to download the game and follow the instructions provided by the Project Diablo 2 team. Project Diablo 2 gives players a pretty good reason to get back into the older game.
For starters, the Project Diablo 2 team wanted to make sure that all of the classes are balanced. If you play the original Diablo 2, there are some classes that are not that good, but with this new project, you can experience a much more balanced game. The Project Diablo 2 team plans on regularly updating their mods, so maybe more graphical mods are coming in the future.
Check out our video below, discussing Diablo Immortal's story and how the game fits into the franchise's timeline.
For more news on the game and the iconic ARPG franchise, check out our sections dedicated to Diablo 3, Diablo Immortal, and Diablo 4. Get the latest guides & tutorials for your favorite Diablo title below.
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