Anime Last Stand, a popular game on Roblox, frequently introduces new characters to its lineup. In its latest update, the game has included Sung Jin Woo from the recently aired anime Solo Levelling. This character comes with formidable stats and an evolutionary path that can easily dominate most adversaries.
If you're curious about trying out Sung Jin Woo and want to understand his evolutions and overall strength, you've come to the right spot. Below, we'll provide a detailed guide on obtaining Sung Jin Woo, his evolutions, and his abilities in Anime Last Stand.
How To Get Sung Jin Woo and His Evolutions in ALS
In Anime Last Stand, acquiring the Sung Jin Woo unit is quite a challenge due to its rarity, with only a 3% drop rate per attempt. However, the effort is well-rewarded, as Sung Jin Woo eventually evolves into the formidable Mythic Sunwoo (Bloodlust), a highly potent unit often favored as a main choice.
To obtain Sung Jin Woo's base form, players need to engage in Raids, specifically focusing on the Hell City raids where he is exclusively available. This entails grinding through stages, particularly Stage 5 or Stage 6. Solo grinding is recommended, particularly in Stage 5. Persistence is key here—players must continue grinding these stages until the Sung Jin Woo unit drops.
Once Sung Jin Woo is obtained, the next step is evolution. This process involves collecting specific items necessary for evolving Sung Jin Woo into his Mythic Sunwoo (Bloodlust) form. The required items for evolution in Anime Last Stand include:
- 1 SunWoo (Sung Jin Woo) unit
- 35x Common Spirit Shards
- 5x Legendary Spirit Shards
- 5x Epic Spirit Shards
- 1x Wolf Slayer
Gathering these items primarily involves grinding raids, battles, and other game modes for shards. However, obtaining the Wolf Slayer requires grinding Stages 5 and 6 of the Hell Stage raids. Fortunately, players can simultaneously work towards acquiring both Sung Jin Woo in his base form and the Wolf Slayer weapon by participating in these raids. By persistently grinding until all the required items are obtained, players can unlock Sung Jin Woo and evolve him into his final, formidable form in Anime Last Stand.