The Pokémon Company recently announced a brand new upcoming mobile app, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket. Designed as a brand new way for fans to enjoy the TCG, players will be able to collect, trade, and battle cards via this new app.
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket also seems to be making card collection even easier for new fans, offering two free card packs each day for players to open. Of course, this likely means that players will also be able to purchase additional cards via microtransactions. But what if you've already built up a collection of physical Pokémon cards? Will you be able to scan them and use them in-game?
Can You Use Your Physical Cards In Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket?
In the current online version of the Pokémon TCG, players can redeem codes from physical Pokémon TCG booster packs and cards to add them to their deck online. It's a great way to utilize your physical collection in an online setting. But, from the looks of things, the same won't be happening for the upcoming Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket.
Eagle-eyed fans have already spotted that the cards shown off during the upcoming game's trailer, as seen during the Pokémon Presents on February 27, do not match up to current Pokémon cards.
It seems that the virtual cards used in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket are their own individual thing, suggesting that the new game will be its own ecosystem separate to the physical card game.
If that's the case, then players won't be able to scan their physical cards to use them in the new mobile game. It would simply create too many issues with game balancing and deck building.
According to the game's official website, players will be able to collect "digital cards featuring nostalgic artwork from the past" along-side "brand-new cards that are exclusive to Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket."
Will Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Replace TCG Live?
The Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket doesn't seem to be set to replace the existing Pokémon TCG Live. Players will be able to have the two games separately, continuing to build their decks and collections on the online game while building out their new collection in the upcoming Pocket.