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New Phasmophobia Development Preview Showcases Journal Overhaul, New Items & Map Reworks

Phasmophobia has some major updates ahead that will change the way every ghost hunt plays out.
New Phasmophobia Development Preview Showcases Journal Overhaul, New Items & Map Reworks
(Picture: Kinetic Games)

Phasmophobia just released a new Development Update 18 just in time for the new year, announcing a journal and media overhaul, new items, map updates, and more. The Journals' Photos page will be replaced with a new Media tab, allowing you to record not just photos, but also videos and sounds with the new Sound Recorder item.

Photos will also no longer have quality tiers, meaning that getting a perfect game will be a little different than before. To take the place of quality tiers, an investigator’s first “capture” of any media type will be branded “Unique!”. Unique captures offer lots of money and XP as a reward, while "duplicate" photos offer a bit less.

"For the next two pages, investigators will use Video Cameras to capture anything worthwhile - a door closing on it’s own, an apparition in a DOTS projector, or even a moving Planchette on an Ouija board," developers explain. "Several old photos that didn’t make much sense have been converted over to things you can record on video!"

In addition to these updates, Bleasdale Farmhouse will also get some visual and layout changes. The entire location will be overhauled and will feature a "slightly new" layout, along with new areas and ghost rooms such as a garden.

"Thank you for all of your support throughout 2024 as we’ve explored what’s possible in Phasmophobia and continued to evolve the overall experience," the devs added.