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MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity no longer expiring as of Season 2

MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity isn't going anywhere when Season 2 kicks off.
MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity no longer expiring as of Season 2
GINX/Patches Chance

Sony San Diego has received significant criticism from some players this year about the handling of some aspects of Diamond Dynasty, and it looks like they're remedying much of that with the arrival of MLB The Show 24 Season 2. Team Affinity has become the backbone of Diamond Dynasty for years as the most direct way for players to unlock top cards from their favorite team and any other team in the league. Original plans have changed, and it looks like MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity won't be expiring after all.

MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity chapters no longer expiring

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The biggest complaint about MLB The Show 24 Diamond Dynasty has focused specifically on how difficult it was for players to reach the end of the XP Reward Path, but that conversation could've been dominated by a second contender if Sony San Diego hadn't just changed course. Team Affinity has been a mainstay of Diamond Dynasty for years, and while many of the mode's events are time limited it has consistently stayed active throughout each year.

MLB The Show 24 Team Affinity already shook things up with another change, further settling into the Seasons mechanic introduced last year, as they broke up Team Affinity drops into three chapters per season. Originally, Sony San Diego was planning to keep Chapter 3 of Team Affinity live but sunset the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 sections when each season concludes.

In the Live Content Show about Season 2, they've now confirmed that's no longer the plan. MLB The Show 24 will instead keep all chapters and seasons of Team Affinity active all year long. That means players who haven't yet finished earlier chapters will be able to continue them any time you jump back into Diamond Dynasty.

The news coincides with big changes to the XP Reward Path that Sony San Diego is hoping fans are happy with. The Season 2 XP Reward Path will space out bosses differently so that the first unlocked boss is a much earlier reward, but they've also made a point to spread larger XP rewards out among multiple game modes.

Conquest, Events, Battle Royale, Other Programs, and more are expected to contribute towards the Season 2 XP Reward Path in a more significant way than last season did. They're also pairing the Season 2 launch with Double XP Weekend featuring a Quadruple Gameplay XP Cap. If you've been waiting to jump back in, Season 2 will be the perfect opportunity to pick back up Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 24.