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MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest Hidden Rewards Locations

Go hunting for all the MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest hidden rewards.
MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest Hidden Rewards Locations
GINX/Patches Chance

Now that Diamond Dynasty Season 2 is in full swing, new Conquest maps continue to hit MLB The Show 24. Another holiday is on hand to celebrate, and the Father's Day Conquest map is packed with some freebies everyone can grab without playing a single game. We've got more here including all the MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest hidden rewards locations.

MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest Hidden Rewards

MLB® The ShowTM 24 Xbox Series X S 2024-06-17 09-54-25

For those who would rather spend their time playing something other than Conquest, the good news is this map only has hidden rewards outside of Strongholds. That means you can hop in and just seize every territory to snag a handful of rewards without having to play a single three-inning Conquest game. Just build up reinforcements and simulate every territory claim until you've taken every non-Stronghold tile on the map.

The MLB The Show 24 Father's Day Conquest hidden rewards locations marked above will earn you the following: 

  1. The Show Pack
  2. Millionaire Pack
  3. 500 Stubs
  4. Millionaire Pack
  5. 500 Stubs
  6. 500 Stubs

If you're looking to complete the map in full, the good news is this one does not require a Season 2 eligible squad. You can use any lineup with all the Season 1 cards you desire to plow through every Padres Stronghold.

Here are the goal-based rewards for the Father's Day Conquest Map, the first of which you'll earn without having to take a Stronghold:

  • Father's Day Bat Skin (Acquire 70M Fans)
  • The Show Pack (Capture top of wrench Padres Strongholds)
  • Millionaire Pack (Caputre back of hammer Padres Stronghold)
  • Father's Day Icon (Capture handle of hammer Padres Stronghold)
  • Father's Day Banner (Capture middle of wrench Padres Stronghold)
  • Fresh Start Choice Pack 2 (Capture all Strongholds)
  • Father's Day Socks & 6000 XP (Conquer all territories)

If you don't normally bother with Conquest, the 6000 XP and Fresh Start Choice Pack 2 are more than worthwhile. The XP will push you further along the Season 2 XP Reward Path, and that pack features several Season 2 Diamonds for your lineup when a Season 2 eligible squad is required.