Dead by Daylight's newest survivor to enter the Fog is Alan Wake, the iconic horror character from the franchise of his own name. Wake is voiced by Matthew Porretta, his original voice actor, in Dead by Daylight, bringing new voice lines, screams, and more.
Here are all of Alan Wake's three perks in Dead by Daylight, and what they do.
Alan Wake's Perks In Dead By Daylight
Alan Wake has three perks: Champion of Light, Boon: Illumination, and Deadline. Most of Wake's perks involve his main motif, his flashlight and light in general.
Champion of Light
The glow of the flashlight looks a little different, feels a little warmer.
- While you are holding a Flashlight, this perk activates.
- When you are shining a Flashlight, you have 50% Haste.
- When you successfully blind the Killer, they also gain 20% Hindered for 6 seconds. This effect cannot stack.
- Then, this perk goes on cooldown for 80/70/60 seconds.
- Haste increases Survivor movement speed.
- Hindered reduces Killer movement speed.
“I squeezed the flashlight like my life depended on it, willing it to stop coming any closer.” – Departure
Boon: Illumination
Your keen insight is something best shared with others.
- Press and hold the Ability button 1 near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24 meter range.
- Survivors inside your Boon Totem's range see the aura of all chests and all generators in blue.
- If you have a lit Boon Totem, you cleanse or bless Totems 6/8/10% faster.
- You can only bless one Totem at a time. All equipped Boon perks are active on your Boon Totem.
"A shift in reality. Heavy with hidden meanings" – Return
Desperation creeps in, and you push yourself to work harder.
- This perk activates when you are injured.
- Skill Checks appear 6/8/10% more frequently when repairing or healing and appear in random places.
- The penalty for missing skill checks is reduced by 50%.
“The night had been one desperate situation after another.” – Departure