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How to Break Walls in Avowed

Throughout the Living Lands are a number of breakable walls that seem to need a helping hand to give way.
How to Break Walls in Avowed
Obsidian, Alexandra Hobbs

Avowed's Living Lands hold plenty of secrets for players to uncover. Some are out in the open while others remain hidden, be it behind locked doors or breakable walls. The latter can prove to be a bit of an obstacle if you don't know how to break them down, but luckily there are a few solutions.

How to Destroy Breakable Walls in Avowed

As you explore the Living Lands in Avowed, you'll eventually come across a few walls that appear to have some cracks in them. They'll also have a little icon on them depicting what looks like an explosion. All signs point to this being a breakable wall, but the question is: how does one break them down?

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Grenades are your friend. (Picture: Obsidian, screenshot: Alexandra Hobbs)

Well, fortunately, there are a few ways to break these walls in Avowed, regardless of your playstyle. The easiest, and most accessible way is to use Grenades. You'll pick up a number of different throwables in Avowed, from fire bombs to ice bombs, but the one you'll want for these walls is a good ol' fashioned Grenade. Simply equip the Grenade to your throwable slot, aim it at the breakable wall, and throw. 

Another method is to use magic or abilities. The more magically-inclined players will eventually unlock spells that produce "Explosive Damage." Using this spell on a breakable wall will have the same effect as a Grenade, allowing you to break down the wall using a bit of Essence instead. Similarly, the Fighter ability "Charge" will also enable you to break down walls at the cost of some Essence. 

Avowed is available to play on Xbox Series X|S and Windows via PC Game Pass.