In 7 Days to Die's 1.0 update, armor has been totally reworked, with each different type of armor getting brand-new stats and perks. Depending on the type of armor you choose and what rarity it is, you'll have different strengths and weaknesses as you explore the game's terrifying terrain. Here's every Armor type in 7 Days to Die's 1.0 update and the perks that come with them.
7 Days to Die: All Armor Types & Perks
Some types of armor are more useful for certain situations; for example, you'll want to equip the Lumberjack when chopping down trees.
There are quite a few armor types in 7 Days to Die, each of which can be useful in different situations. Because you can freely switch between armor types that you have, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with them, and to obtain and use the ones that benefit your current goals most.
For example, if you're planning on starting a huge farm on your server, you'll no doubt want to try using the Farmer armor type for a while to get as many seeds as you can and then have the most efficiency when planting them. On the other hand, if you're harvesting a ton of wood, you'll want to hop into your Lumberjack armor.
It's also worth noting that while an armor type's perks don't increase with the armor's rarity, the efficiency of those perks does. For example, all Assassin armor types offer increased Sneak Damage, but just how much that damage increases depends on rarity. You'll want to keep this in mind when selecting your armor.
Here's every armor type in 7 Days to Die and what perks come with them: