The animated anthology series Secret Level, which premiered on the streaming service Amazon Prime Video, has unlocked a new achievement worth celebrating. The animated series explored unique short stories from various video gaming properties and has been greenlit by the streamer as they announced a second season, with no information on its production timeline or a premiere date.
Developed by Blur Studio in conjunction with Amazon MGM Studios, Secret Level mainly received positive reviews following the global premiere of the first eight episodes. As of writing, details on which video games will be featured in Season 2 have yet to be determined, but its first season should be a good indicator of fantastic stories and astounding visual effects to come.
Its first season debuted on Amazon Prime Video in early December 2024, with the first eight episodes available on the platform on 10th December 2024, and the remaining seven episodes aired a week later after its premiere. Across all 15 episodes, each explored original stories with familiar and new characters set in the world of popular gaming IPs, including Armored Core, Pac-Man, Sifu, the recently announced The Outer Worlds 2, and Firewalk Studios' canceled multiplayer hero shooter Concord.
A day later, the official social media account shared its latest update, in which the post was accompanied by an image read as follows: "Two New Levels Unlocked – Largest Debut for a New Animated Series and a Season 2 of Secret Level!" This is great news for fans of the animated anthology series who hope to see their favorite game featured in the series; however, details on this are currently kept inside a locked chest for the time being.
Data provided by analytics platform Luminate (h/t Variety) detailed that around 155.3 million minutes of Secret Level were watched by US households in its first week; however, data on the complete US viewership as all episodes are available to stream has yet to be released. Data on global viewership has yet to be determined, but based on the available statistics, it's simply an impressive feat the animated series has accomplished as we're looking forward to future updates on its development and which games are to appear in Season 2.