The Front is an upcoming open-world survival shooter (currently in Early Access) that provides players with a wide range of unique features and content to enjoy as they embark on a mission to thwart the rise of a tyrannical empire. However, for those who wish to fully explore all that the game has to offer without going through the standard gameplay cycle, players have the option to utilize various admin commands.
If you're interested in delving into and taking on a god-like role within The Front using these admin commands and codes to experiment with elements such as NPCs, weapons, game physics, and more, you've come to the right place. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of all The Front admin commands, providing you with control over every aspect you desire while playing the game.
The Front Admin Commands: How To Use Command Console
To access the in-game Command console in The Front, players must configure specific settings in the game's shortcuts. There are two methods for doing this, depending on whether you're playing The Front on Steam or through an alternative client. We'll outline both methods for enabling the command console:
Accessing the Command Console on Steam:
- Locate The Front in your Steam library.
- Right-click on the game title.
- Choose "Properties."
- In the ensuing small window, append the following line to the launch options: `-ServerAdminAccounts="Your Steam User ID" (e.g., "quickbrownfox123").
Accessing the Command Console on Other Platforms:
If you have a version of The Front not on Steam, you'll need to add the same line to the startup options of the game's shortcut. Here's how to do it:
- Create a shortcut for the file "TheFront.exe," typically found at "C:\…\The Front\ProjectWar\Binaries\Win64."
- Right-click on the "TheFront.exe" shortcut.
- Select "Properties."
- In the small window, include the line under "Target": `-ServerAdminAccounts="Name of your Windows user account" (e.g., "jumpingjack94").
- Click "Apply" and then "OK."
With the game now set up to utilize admin commands, you have two ways to access console commands: the GM Tool (an in-house cheat menu) and the console itself, which accepts commands.
Using the GM Tool:
To open the GM Tool, press Shift + G. This menu appears in the top right of the screen and provides several commands, including those for health, flight, increased speed, and more.
Using the Console:
The console offers more extensive functionality than the GM Tool. To access it, simply press the "~" key while the GM Tool is active. This action will bring up an input box at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to enter a wide range of commands.
The Front Admin Commands: All In-Game Console Commands
Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of admin commands that players can input into the console when playing The Front.
List of Admin Commands:
- God - Enables God mode to prevent character harm.
- Fly - Allows flying around the map.
- Walk - Reverts to walking mode.
- SloMode [0-1000] - Adjusts server speed.
- GMAddItems [itemID] [amount] [playerID] - Gives items to a player.
- AddTargetPlayerExp [playerID] [EXP value] - Adds experience to a player.
- GMSpawnNPCByLocation [creatureID] [level] [coordinate x] [coordinate y] [coordinate z] - Spawns an NPC.
- GMSpawnNPCByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [distance (in meters)] [playerID] - Spawns an NPC.
- GotoPlayerByAccount [playerID] - Teleports to a player.
- RelocatePlayerToGM [playerID] - Moves a player to your location.
- DestroyPlayerByGUID [playerID] - Kills a specified player.
- GMClearInventory [playerID] - Clears a player's inventory.
- UnlockTargetAllRecipe [playerID] - Unlocks all recipes.
- UnlockTargetAllTalent [playerID] - Unlocks all talents.
- KickPlayerOff [playerID] - Kicks a player from the server.
- BanPlayer [playerID] login - Bans a player from logging in.
- PermitPlayer [playerID] login - Unbans a player.
- BanPlayer [playerID] chat - Bans a player from in-game chat.
- PermitPlayer [playerID] chat - Permits a player to use in-game chat.
- CloseServer - Closes the server.
- SaveWorld - Saves server data.
- SetTime [time value] - Sets world time.
- SetWeather [weather ID] [region ID] - Sets server weather.
- hide 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) - Renders objects invisible.
- SetAttribute 36 (attribute number) [value] - Sets speed.
- Ghost - Enables flight and removes character collision.
- PerspectiveConstruct 0 (don't display)/1 (display) - Displays structure names.
- PerspectivePlayer 0 (don't display)/1 (display) - Displays player names.
- goto x y z - Teleports to coordinates.
- ClearAllNPC - Kills all spawned NPCs.
- SetPlayerScaleRate [scale] - Adjusts character size.
- ClearAllPlayersGodMode - Affects all players.
- ActivateInfiniteStamina 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) - Enables/disables infinite stamina.
- ActivateIgnoreEnvironment 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) - Enables/disables environmental immunity.
- ActivateInfiniteRecoverHealth 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) - Recovers Max HP every second.
- KillGuildAll 1 - Affects all players in the guild.
- KillGuildAll 0 - Affects individual players in the guild.
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 1 [radius (in meters)] - Affects players in the radius.
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 0 [radius (in meters)] - Affects players in the radius.
- KillRadiusGuildVehicle 1 or 0 [radius (in meters)] - Affects players and vehicles in the radius.
- ClearAttackCityCD [Player ID] - Clears player's supply cooldown.
- SetEnableSuperKill - Enables one-hit kills.
- JoinGuild - Select a squad before using this command.
- SetGuildAdmin 1/0 - Promotes you to squad captain.
- ForcedChangeGuildName [squad GUID] [new squad name] - Renames a squad.
- JoinGuildByGuid [squad GUID] - Joins a squad by GUID.
- KillInteractObject - Kills an interactable object.
- GMCreatorMode Enable state (1 Enabled, 0 Disabled) - Craft and repair without materials.
- Shift+C and Shift+V - Enables an overhead perspective.
List of Server Advanced Settings Commands:
- SetQueueThreshold [amount] - Maximum server player limit.
- SetMaxQueueSize [amount] - Maximum server player limit.
- SetIsCanSelfDamage 0 (Disable)/1 (Enable) - Allows self-damage.
- SetIsCanFriendDamage 0 (Disable)/1 (Enable) - Allows squadmates to damage each other.
- SetCanChat 1 (Allowed) 0 (Not allowed) - Enables/disables in-game chat.
- MailAttchEnable 0 (Not allowed)/1 (Allowed) - Enables/disables receiving attachments.
- SetSaveGameInterval [seconds] - Server archive interval.
- GMSetOverlapRatio [multiplier] - Stack limit for items.
- GMSetDeathDropMode [parameter] - Controls item drops.
- SetConstructDisableRot 1 (Disabled) 0 (Enabled) - Enables/disables structure decay.
- GMSetCanDropItem 0= No drops; 1= All drop - Controls drops from creatures and structures.
- GMSetCanDiscardItem 0 (cannot discard)/1 (can discard) - Sets item discard permission.
- SetPlayerHealthDyingState 1 (Wounded state is enabled)/0 (Wounded state is disabled) - Enables wounded state.
- AddGM [Account ID] [GM level] - Adds a GM.
- RemoveGM [AccountID] - Removes an admin.
- ToggleGMTitleShow 0 (Not displayed)\1 (Displayed) - Toggles admin icon display.
- GMSetDiscardBoxLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings) - Controls item discard lifespan.
- GMSetDeathInventoryLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings) - Controls death inventory lifespan.
- SetAttackCityCdRatio - Multiplies supply delivery cooldown.
- SetGMRebirthBaseCD [time (in seconds)] - Sets revival cooldown duration.
- SetGMRebirthExtraCD [time (in seconds)] - Sets additional revival cooldown.
- SetGMPenaltiesMaxNum [times] - Death penalty times.
- SetGMPenaltiesCD [time (in seconds)] - Reset time for stacked revival cooldowns.
- OpenAllHouseFlag 0 (Disabled)/1 (Enabled) - Displays the location of other players' Beacons on the map.
List of Character Survival Commands:
- SetPlayerHotDefAddRate [multiplier] - Multiplies character Heat RES.
- SetPlayerIceDefAddRate [multiplier] - Multiplies character Cold RES.
- SetFriendDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)] - Max distance for seeing squadmate names.
- SetEnemyDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)] - Max distance for seeing non-squadmate names.
- SetPlayerDeathAvatarItemDurableRate [multiplier] - Adjusts item durability loss on death.
- SetPlayerDeatShortcutItemDurableRate [multiplier] - Adjusts hotbar item durability loss on death.
- GMSetCraftTimeRate [multiplier] - Multiplies crafting/repair time.
- SetPlayerAddExpRate [multiplier] - Multiplies all XP earned.
- SetPlayerKillAddExpRate [multiplier] - Multiplies XP earned from killing monsters.
- SetPlayerFarmAddExpRate [multiplier] - Multiplies XP earned from collecting resources.
- SetPlayerCraftAddExpRate [multiplier] - Multiplies XP earned from crafting items.
- SetMoveSpeedRate [multiplier] - Multiplies movement speed.
- SetJumpHeightRate [multiplier] - Multiplies jump height.
- SetPlayerLandedDamageRate [multiplier] - Multiplies fall damage.
- SetPlayerMaxHealthRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max HP.
- SetLifeRecoverRate [multiplier] - Multiplies HP recovery.
- SetPlayerMaxStaminaRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max stamina.
- SetStaminaRecoverRate [multiplier] - Multiplies stamina recovery.
- SetStaminaConsumeRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies stamina consumption speed.
- SetPlayerMaxHungerRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max Fullness.
- GMSetHungerDecRate [multiplier] - Multiplies Fullness consumption speed.
- GMSetBodyHungerAddRate [multiplier] - Multiplies Fullness recovery from eating.
- SetBodyWaterMaximumRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max Hydration.
- GMSetWaterDecRate [multiplier] - Multiplies Hydration consumption speed.
- GMSetBodyWaterAddRate [multiplier] - Multiplies Hydration recovery from drinking.
- SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max Oxygen.
- SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier] - Multiplies max Oxygen.
- SetPlayerBreathCostRate [multiplier] - Multiplies Oxygen consumption speed.
- GMSetPlayerHealthRate [multiplier] - Multiplies HP recovery from meds.
- GMSetFoodDragDurationRate [multiplier] - Multiplies the duration of food and med effects.
List of Vehicle Commands:
- GMVehiclePlayerDamageRatio=0 - Multiplies player damage from vehicles.
- GMVehicleResourcesRatio=0 - Multiplies resource collection by vehicles.
- GMVehicleDamageRate - Multiplies resource collection by vehicles.
List of NPC Commands:
- SetNpcRespawnRate [multiplier] - Multiplies NPC respawn time.
- SetAnimalBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)] - Controls animal NPC corpse disappearance.
- SetHumanBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)] - Controls human NPC corpse disappearance.
- GMSetNPCLootableItemRate [multiplier] - Multiplies item drops from wild NPCs.
- SetWildNPCDamageRate [multiplier] - Multiplies damage dealt by wild NPCs.
- SetWildNPCHealthRate [multiplier] - Multiplies wild NPC HP.
- SetWildNPCSpeedRate [multiplier] - Multiplies wild NPC movement speed.
- SetCityNPCLevelRate [multiplier] - Multiplies raid NPC levels.
- SetCityNPCDamageRate [multiplier] - Multiplies raid NPC damage.
- SetCityNPCHealthRate [multiplier] - Multiplies raid NPC HP.
- SetCityNPCSpeedRate [multiplier] - Multiplies raid NPC movement speed.
- SetCityNPCNumRate [multiplier] - Multiplies total raid NPC summons.
- SetNpcDisplayDistance [distance] - Max distance for seeing an NPC's name.
- GMSetInventoryGainRate [multiplier] - Multiplies resources received from the collection.
- GMSetCityAtkNPCLootItemRate [multiplier] - Multiplies item drops from raid NPCs.
List of Weapon Combat Commands:
- SetMeleeNpcDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies melee weapon damage to NPCs.
- SetRangedNpcDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies ranged weapon damage to NPCs.
- SetMeleePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies melee weapon damage to players.
- SetRangedPlayerDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies ranged weapon damage to players.
- SetMeleeConstructDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies melee weapon damage to structures.
- GMSetToolDamageRate [multiplier] - Multiplies tool damage to resources.
- GMSetDurabilityCostRate [multiplier] - Multiplies durability loss when using tools, weapons, and armor.
List of Collection Production Commands:
- GMSetMaxRetrieveProductsRate [max multiplier] - Controls max gains from collection.
- GMSetTreeGainRate [multiplier] - Multiplies wood collection.
- GMSetBushGainRate [multiplier] - Multiplies plant collection.
- GMSetOreGainRate [multiplier] - Multiplies ore collection.
- GMSetCropReapRate [multiplier] - Multiplies crop collection.
- GMSetFleshGainRate [multiplier] - Multiplies item collection from corpses.
- GMSetCropGrowRate [multiplier] - Multiplies crop growth speed.
List of Building Defense Commands:
- SetPlayerMaxHouseFlagNumber - Max number of Beacons each player can build.
- SetGJConstructMaxNumRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies max number of work-type structures.
- SetHFTrapMaxNum [amount] - Max number of traps within Beacon coverage.
- SetHFTurretMaxNum [amount] - Max number of turrets within Beacon coverage.
- SetConstructDefenseRatio [ratio] - Multiplies damage taken by structures.
- SetTrapDefenseRatio [ratio] - Multiplies damage taken by traps.
- SetTrapDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies trap damage.
- SetTurretDamageRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies turret damage.
- SetConstructMaxHealthRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies max Durability of structures.
- SetConstructReturnHPRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies Durability recovery of placed structures.
- SetHouseFlagRepairHealthRatio [multiplier] - Multiplies Durability recovery of structures within the auto-repair range of a Beacon.
- GMSetTTC_Oil_Rate [multiplier] - Multiplies resources collected from Oil Wells.
- GMSetWaterCollector_Rate [multiplier] - Multiplies resources collected from Dew Collectors.
- GMSetTTC_Ore_Rate [multiplier] - Multiplies resources collected from Mines.
- GMSetTTC_Fish_Rate [multiplier] - Multiplies resources collected from Fish Baskets.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByPlayer [ratio] - Multiplies damage to Beacons from player firearms.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByVehicle [ratio] - Multiplies damage to Beacons from player vehicles.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByNpc [ratio] - Multiplies damage to Beacons from NPCs.
- SetHouseFlagExcitantTime [number] - Sets the duration that Beacons can be attacked.