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Silent Hill 2: Toluca Prison Walkthrough

Here's your guide to completing Toluca Prison in the Silent Hill 2 remake.
Silent Hill 2: Toluca Prison Walkthrough
(Picture: Konami/Bloober Team)

Among the many locations James Sunderland explores in the Silent Hill 2 remake is the eerie and unsettling Toluca Prison. This is a large and vast area with several sections, so it's easy to get lost - but we're here to help. Here's your walkthrough guide to exploring Silent Hill 2's Toluca Prison and unlocking the Ox, Dove, Boar, and Serpent doors.

Entering Toluca Prison

Starting out in the Toluca Prison Cafeteria, grab some resources off of the nearby counter and then walk up to the dead body to trigger a cutscene. Once it ends, follow Eddie out of the double doors that he just left out of, saving at the Armory if you’d like. 

Also inside the Armory, pick up some Handgun Ammo and take a look at the Toluca Prison Map. You’ll also see a Rifle, but you’ll need a key to unlock the case its inside - you’ll get that later.

How To Find the Heaviest Weight 

Go inside the Chapel to find The Heaviest Weight. Check out the photo on the wall, too. Grabbing the Weight will cause a monster to spawn in, so be prepared to run or fight it off. Next, head through the door next to the stage to find your way into the Vestry. Inside the Vestry is a handy Syringe on the shelf and a book on the table. 

Once you’re done explorijng the Vestry and Chapel, turn around and head back to the double doors to the left of the Armory. Walk through them to find yourself in Block A. Flip the switch on your left to illuminate the dark hallway. 

The first door on your right - which should lead to the stairs - is locked and has an Ox on the door. Interact with it so James will note this on his map as the Hornless Ox.

Cells A1 and A2 are empty, while A3 contains a monster. Take down the monster in A3 to enter, grabbing the Rifle Rounds and checking out the photos on the wall. Slip through the crack in A3’s wall to enter A4, then open the door from the inside to lead back out into the hallway. Cell A5 next door offers some ammo, but nothing else. 

Up next is Cell A6, which is empty but has a note on the door mentioning that the prisoner inside was moved to death row. Flip the switch to the left of the cell to illuminate more of the area. At the end of the hallway on your right, interact with the locked door for James to note the Headless Serpent.

Backtrack a bit to the beginning of the Block A Hallway and head into Cell A7. After slipping under the crack in the wall, you’ll end up in Cell B1 in the B Block. In this cell is some ammo as well as a Mannequin, so be prepared. 

Once you head back into the hallway, check out B2 to discover it’s empty. Also, turn around behind you to find the Eyeless Boar. Then, stroll down the hallway and take a right down the stairs. At the bottom is a locked door with a dove on it, which James will mark as the Wingless Dove. Turn around and go back to the B Block Hallway. 


Then, in B3, break the breakable wall so you can get into A9. A9 is connected through a huge gap in the wall to A8, which contains a Mannequin and some ammo. Once you’re done looting A8 and A9, backtrack to the Block B Hallway. Run east to the end of it, opening the double doors to end up in the Yard. 

How To Solve The Scales Puzzle

Out in the Yard, you’ll find a Save Square, as well as a puzzle in the form of a statue with some weights missing. James will write this down on his Map as the “Scales.” Behind the Scales is some stairs and some empty gallows, which James will mark accordingly on his map as the Gallows


Serpent Section

On the scales, place the Heaviest Weight on the right, and the smallest weight on the left side. The scale will tip over to the Serpent, so make your way over to the Headless Serpent door you marked earlier on your map. This door leads to the Serpent Section

Ox Section

After wrapping up the Serpent section, you should now have the Armory Key, so stop by the Armory to unlock the Rifle and add it to your inventory.

Head back to the Scale out in the Yard. Put the Heaviest Weight and the smallest weight on the left, and the Medium Weight on the right. This will shift the scale to the Ox, and will thus unlock the Hornless Ox door you found earlier. 



Walk inside and go up the stairs. Go straight and walk to the end of this path to find the Warden’s Letter. Next, pull open the door to Cell C2 and slip through the crack in the wall over to C3 so James will mark the opening on his map. Your next stop is the Guard Room, where you’ll find a few key items. The desk holds a Block D Key, and there’s a journal on the table. Read it before grabbing some Handgun Bullets and saving at the Save Square if you’d like. 

Before moving on to unlock Block D in the northwest using the Block D Key, break the breakable wall leading into C6 and grab the Health Drink and Syringe inside. Slip back out the crack and then go into Block D. 

D6 holds some ammo but also an enemy, so defeat it to grab your little reward. Grab some more bullets from D3 before opening up the end of the hall to D5, a padded room. Grab the Threatening Note from the wall in front of you, then pick up the Shiv Key from the little med-kit on the ground on your left. 

Head over to Cell C4 and open it using the Shiv Key. Climb through the opening in the wall to end up in a tight space with some pipes around you, and a note. Read the Paranoid Note, then slip through the opening in the pipes on your left. You’ll end up in another small room, so crawl through the opening on the wall.


You’ll end up in the Toilets. Check the third stall for a Health Drink and grab some Handgun Ammo from a bench before reading the writing on the wall: “They won’t save you.” 

Where To Find The Heavy Weight

Run towards the Showers, making a quick stop in the Changing room to stock up on Rifle Rounds and a Syringe. Also in the Changing Room, you can read the Crumpled Note. 

Exit the Changing Room and make your way to the Showers. Search the room for some ammo on a bench before making your way to the back of the room and reaching your hand into a hole… again. Inside, you’ll find the Heavy Weight



With the Heavy Weight in hand, you can head back down the stairs out of the Ox area and back into the main Toluca Prison area. 

As you likely guessed, you’re headed back to the Yard to unlock yet another door.

Boar Section

To unlock the next section - the Boar section - place the three heaviest weights you’ve found on the right, and the final, lightest weight on the left. 


Head down the hallway and into the Eyeless Boar door. Read the note at the end of the hallway, then head to the unlabelled Visitation Area in the middle of the map and climb through a window. Grab some ammo from one of the visitation stations before continuing through the new area. 

The Women’s Room will contain one Health Drink in a stall, while the Men’s Room offers a Save Square. Use it if you wish before moving on through the hallway. Read the note on the door next to the locked stairwell. 

Where To Find The Light Weight

Grab some ammo from the Break Room before heading up to the Infirmary. Fight off the Nurses, then head to the room behind the Infirmary with the question mark. In here, pick up a note, some resources, and the Upper Floor Key. Head to the locked stairwell you saw earlier, and unlock it using this key. 

Head up the stairs and then go over to the other stairwell in the southwest. It heads upwards to a new level with the Warden’s Office. Inside the Warden’s Office, find a Typewriter with the words “Sick” written all over a piece of paper. You can type yourself, so type in the word SICK. The drawer will open up, giving you the Light Weight.

Beside the Warden’s Office is a small room with some ammo and a Save Square, if you’d like to save. Grab some ammo from a chair in the hallway on your way out if you haven’t already, then go back to the Yard for the next part of the puzzle.

Dove Section

Back at the Yard, place the Weights on the Scales. Only the third/middle weight goes on the right side, as shown: 


As you likely guessed, this opens up the Wingless Dove door, so make your way there and head inside. Go through the dark tunnel and then through the crack in the wall, only to hear the wall fall in behind you. 

Where To Find The Lightest Weight

Check out all of the F cells for some cool secrets and a few resources. Stop by F9, which has a breakable wall leading over to F10. Don’t climb up the ladder in F10 just yet. Instead, head over to F15 and use the gap in the wall across from it to cross over to the large unmarked room. Inside is a note mentioning a prisoner confined to F6, as well as some buttons on the wall to open up cells. Open up F6 and F5. 


Head to F6 and pick up The Lightest Weight. AD_4nXdqAMzP7ABZUXU5R5Mh-SuovE7SjEVwnzTjXzbW76HDM8E9b_8A_3pJiBF5WhxeaQyN78jsaYdG2rNg7y2rcbkFgXrqPWfafsNbWORSIPPyTflhc_SGh2TFigQQxfE568wBLdXJLf8B4VEkzfSeQZhSLYGK?key=FmR2amQ1NzNQ4MNY_Pr_hA

The cell door will lock behind you, and you’ll hear some loud banging. Wait a moment and eventually it’ll open. Now, head back to the first floor using the ladder in F10 and go back to the Yard with this final weight. 


Move all six weights until they balance perfectly, giving you the Execution Lever. Walk up to the Gallows and use it. 


Then solve the Gallows puzzle by matching each inscription to the matching caption. 



At the top of the Gallows, a note tells you to “choose the one justified.” Look at the nooses around you, and read the stories that you matched to determine which person was justified. Pull the corresponding noose. The third story mentions a father trying to save his child from someone’s “wretched ways,” so you’ll want to pull Noose III.

A short cutscene will play and you’ll fall down to a lower level without a map. Head through the doors in front of you until you reach a deep hole. Jump inside. Walk down the hallway in front of you and then jump into the next hole. Once you’re on solid ground, walk into the elevator in front of you, picking up the ammo, and head down. Exit the elevator and save at the Save Square. You are now in the Labryinth.