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Silent Hill 2: Brookhaven Hospital Walkthrough

This guide will help you complete Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2.
Silent Hill 2: Brookhaven Hospital Walkthrough
(Picture: Konami/Bloober Team)

After journeying through the apartments of Silent Hill 2, James Sunderland's next stop is Brookhaven Hospital. Inside Brookhaven, you'll encounter numerous puzzles, including pinpads, codes, and more. Here's a walkthrough for Brookhaven Hospital to help you complete all the challenges and boss battles in this challenging area, including the Director's Room puzzle.

Entering Brookhaven

brookhaven front desk
Brookhaven's Reception office offers a Save Square.

Right after heading into Brookhaven Hospital and taking a left, James and Maria will come across a Reception area. Inside, you’ll find a locked pin pad, as well as a few notes. The pin pad is the first puzzle you’ll solve in this area, but most of the first floor isn’t available to you quite yet - for now, head over to Examination Room 3 just down the hall.

Solving The Reception Room Pincode

To solve the Reception Room Pincode, you’ll need to look through Examination Room 3 to find a note. It says: “I wrote it down for you in a way you should be able to remember. Once you’re in the lobby, look around. Now remember: Nurses, Doctors, Trees.”

So, head back to the lobby. Look around on the walls to find three photos representing the nurses, doctors, and trees. Count the number of nurses in the photo of the nurses, then move on to the photo of the doctors, and, finally, one of the trees. James will mark this on his map accordingly: “Nurses, Doctors, Trees.” 

You'll count 7, 2, and 4 respectively. 

Enter this code, 724, on the lock in the Reception area. It'll reveal the Basement Key, which clues you in to your next stop.

The Reception lock code is 724.

Head out of Reception and take a right, walking down the long hallway to make your way down the stairs. Watch the quick cutscene with Laura before checking out her art, then head down and into the basement. 

Powering The Generator

Once you get into the basement, head forward and grab the Hospital Basement Map. Next, you'll need to solve the Generator Room Puzzle by powering the generator.

Solving The Director's Room Puzzle

directors room puzzle
The Director's Room Puzzle involves placing three bracelets on the hand.

From the second floor, go straight down the hallway from the elevator, then take a right and go through the double doors at the end of this hallway to enter the Director's Room, Here, you can check out the puzzle you read about in the Reception area. 

Inside is a Hand, which James will mark on his map, as well as a Safe in the little nook on the side. Pull away the curtain to see it, and James will also jot its location down.  You'll also be able to listen to a tape and pick up three very important pieces of paper describing three patients. 

safe puzzle
The Safe Puzzle is missing a key.

Now that you've got the puzzle marked on your map and know what you need to do, it's time to go grab the first wristband.

Getting The First Wristband

Before getting the first wristband, head into C1 just next door to discover a little secret on the wall on your left, as well as grab some ammo from the nightstand. The note on the wall tips you off that there’s something at the pool, something that we’ll need to know for a later puzzle. C3 offers a Health Drink and a Save Square, if you’re in need of a quick break. 

Your next stop is the Women’s Locker Room. Inside this room is some ammo, other resources, and several key items. Pick up the Shotgun from the locker and the Bent Needle from the Teddy Bear before you move on.

bent needle teddy bear
The Bent Needle is stuck inside the teddy bear.

Finally, head to the Nurses’ Lounge, which should be next to the room just next to the one you were just in. In here, you’ll find the L1 Room Key. Head over to the nearby L1 and use the L1 Key on the west door. Inside is a push cart, so pull it backwards and then to the left until it’s neatly situated underneath the opening with white drapes towards the top of the wall. If you want, you can head back to the spot where the push cart was originally and grab some Handgun Ammo from the desk behind it. 

Then, climb over the push cart and through the gap in the wall. Inside this little room adjacent to L1, pick up a note, then climb through the window with the write drapes. This will lead you into another room, which leads into the Utility Room. James will notice a little gap in the wall, so take the leap and watch the scary cutscene that follows. 

After your tumble, you’ll end up back on 1F in a room beside Medical Records. The only door is locked, so slip through the open crack at the bottom of the wall on your right. You’ll end up in Medical Records, where you can find a Note, a Health Drink, and most importantly, a Marked Bracelet. 

marked bracelet
You'll find the Marked Bracelet in the back of Medical Records.

Getting The Second Wristband

Unlock the door leading out into the southwest corridor, and then make your way back up to 2F using the elevator. Your next stop should be the Nurses’ Station, although you can’t get in quite yet. You’ll notice a Keypad - which James will note on his map - as well as note mentioning a meeting about a code that had taken place in the Doctor’s Lounge.

staff memo
The Staff Memo hints that you need to check the Doctor's Lounge.

From 2F, use the western staircase to climb up to the third floor. Up on the third floor, smash the window to Examination Room 5. Inside, you’ll find a 1F Ward key. Pocket it, but for now, head through it to the X-ray room. Inside, you’ll find an X-ray board, an extra X-ray, and a note telling you that you’ll need to find one more X-ray. 

Head down to 2F and then, using the east stairwell, go down to 1F. Down here, Exam Room 1 is now open, so head inside for some resources as well as a collectible photo. Then, make your way to the locked 1F Ward door, and unlock it using your key. 

Down in the 1F Kitchen, you’ll find the Mold Remover sitting near a bunch of bugs. Pick it up and add it to your inventory. You’ll also find a note in the Doctor’s Lounge. This offers the code to the Nurses’ Station keypad: 3578.

Make your way out of 1F and up to 2F again. Input the code in the Nurses’ Station keypad, and then walk inside to find some ammo in a drawer. In the next room are several bathtubs, as well as a rather unsettling note. Reach inside one of the bathtubs to find the Moldy Radiograph

Use the Mold Remover on the Moldy X-ray to create a Cleaned-up X-ray. Place it on the X-ray board in the X-ray Room on the third floor. Also place the X-ray that you found on the table next to the X-ray board, if you haven’t already. 

To solve the X-ray puzzle, look at the Sharpie markings on the X-ray board. Turn each of the X-rays until it perfectly aligns with one of the markings. The text on the board can also help you; notice on the far left, a “skull fracture” is mentioned, so you can probably guess that’s where the X-ray of the skull goes. Here’s the solution to the X-ray puzzle:

Input the code from the X-ray machine into the door marked “Combination Lock” on your map, noticing the door also tells you which direction to turn each time: 4, 37, 12.

Inside, you'll find the second hospital bracelet, the Greasy Wristband

Getting The Third Wristband

Head back to the pool area and into the little side room called the Shower Room. Inside you'll find a Medical Tube. Combine the Medical Tube with the Bent Needle you found earlier in your Inventory, and use the tool in the drain. You'll get another key.

Go back to the pool area, crossing over through the window, and use the key on the little hatch. Drain the pool and head inside. Walk up to the eye on the back wall of the pool, and bash it with your weapon to reveal the Bloody Wristband

Solving the Hand Puzzle

Head back into the Director's Room to place the bracelets and wrap up this puzzle. To determine how to spin each bracelet horizontally, turn each one until you see the two numbers not covered up by grime or scribblings. Then, align those numbers with the large crack on the hand. 

The numbers should be 92 on the Bloody Bracelet, 45 on the Marked Bracelet, and 71 on the Grimy Bracelet.

hand puzzle solution
Solve the Director's Room puzzle by placing the bracelets in this position.

To know how to move them vertically, you’ll need to listen to the tape in the room - which mentions “brute forcing” a solution. In other words, the solution is found by moving the three bracelets vertically until they end up in the right position, which is: Bloody Bracelet on top, Marked Bracelet in the middle, and the Grimy Bracelet on the bottom.

directors storage room

Move the bracelets accordingly until the hand opens, giving you the Director’s Storage Room Key.

Solving The Safe Puzzle

Inside the Director’s Storage Room you’ll find a row of books, as well as the missing key for the Safe puzzle. Arrange the books inside this room to create a picture of a lion. If you’re having trouble, check out the solution just below:

lion books directors room puzzle

Once the books are properly arranged, each symbol will be aligned with a number. Check out the numbers on each wristband of the completed Hand Puzzle - James has also written these down on his map - and determine which symbols align with what numbers.

Then, input the corresponding six symbols - two for each patient - into the Safe. 

With the Rooftop key now in hand, you can make your way up to the Rooftop. Up here, you can find a note, and will also have a quick interaction with Pyramid Head, who will knock you downwards onto the floor below. Here, James will meet up with Laura.