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Slap Battles Swordfighter Glove & Sword Fighter Of Heights Badge: How To Get

Use this guide to get Swordfighter glove and Sword Fighter of the Heights badge in Slap Battles.
Slap Battles Swordfighter Glove & Sword Fighter Of Heights Badge: How To Get
Picture: Slap Battles

The latest Slap Battles update has brought a brand new glove called Swordfighter glove. It is a badge glove and in order to get it, you will have to earn Sword Fighter of the Heights badge. However, there are no exact details in the game on how to get it and thus, here is a guide to do it quickly.

How To Get Swordfighter Glove & Sword Fighter Of Heights Badge In Slap Battles

The icon of the Sword Fighter of Heights badge hints towards a boss fight
The icon of the Sword Fighter of Heights badge hints towards a boss fight. (Picture: GINX)

Swordfighter glove's ability is called Sword Ability and you can check out the stats for it below:

  • Power: 50
  • Speed: 10

In order to get the glove, first of all, you need to pick the Retro Glove that you can get by obtaining Parkour Pwner badge. Next, go to the Cannon Island and double jump to change the glove's ability to Ban Hammer. 

Go behind the pillar on the left side and use the ability and it will open up a hole for you to jump in.

Use the Ban Hammer ability to break the pillar.
Use the Ban Hammer ability to break the pillar. (Picture: Premiumsalad)

Once you jump into the portal inside it, you will be teleported to Sword Fights on the Heights area.

You will find a long obby in front of you that you will have to complete and at the end of it, you will find a boss named Ajax waiting for you.

Defeat Ajax boss but it is pretty difficult.
Defeat Ajax boss but it is pretty difficult. (Picture: Premiumsalad)

Interact with it to start the battle and after defeating the boss, cross the bridge behind him to get the Swordfighter glove.