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Nine Sols Yanlao Boss Guide

Take down this mechanical spinning top and its creator with our guide on how to defeat Yanlao in Nine Sols.
Nine Sols Yanlao Boss Guide
Red Candle Games

The boss battles in Nine Sols vary greatly, with some not requiring a direct fight against the main boss, like the encounter with Yanlao. Instead of engaging Yanlao directly, you’ll face a giant claw controlled by the boss, reminiscent of the ones in arcade claw machines but far more dangerous, called the Sky Rending Claw.

If you're struggling to defeat this machine and finally take down Yanlao, don't worry - we've got you covered. Below, we'll guide you step-by-step on how to find and defeat Yanlao and the Sky Rending Claw in Nine Sols.

Nine Sols Yanlao Boss Location

Yanlao can be found inside Yangu Hall, located just to the left of the Boundless Repository. To reach Yangu Hall, you'll need to clear all the rooms in the Boundless Repository by finding and hacking the terminals in each one. This can be challenging since you'll need to dodge Yanlao's turret, which follows you across the screen in each room and can only be deactivated after defeating Yanlao.

Yanlao Boss Location
Once you've navigated through the Boundless Repository, you'll be able to access Yangu Hall on the right where Yanlao awaits. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Once you reach the fifth and final hackable terminal (which you can't access yet due to the turret), you can exit the room and head down the corridor on the right side of the Boundless Repository. From there, go left to open the shortcut back to the Node of this area, then head all the way right to reach Yangu Hall and prepare for your encounter with Yanlao.

Yanlao Boss Overview

As mentioned earlier, Yanlao is the boss of this area, but the actual battle will be against a mechanical claw called the Sky Rending Claw. This large machine has a variety of attacks, including rushing at you, grabbing you, firing lasers, and it even has a second phase that requires some practice to master. Let's break down all the abilities you'll face when taking on Yanlao and the Sky Rending Claw.

Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Overview and phase 1
Yanlao will send the Sky Rending Claw after you and below are the attacks that this mechanical top will use. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Sky Rending Claw Attacks – Phase 1

  • Claw Tackle: The boss retracts its legs, falls to the ground, and begins spinning before dashing forward across the room. It won't stop until it reaches the opposite side.
  • Leap Claw Tackle: Similar to Claw Tackle, but after landing on the ground, the boss will leap over your head to the opposite side of the room before initiating the tackle.
  • Laser Grab: The boss rises into the air, opens its arms, and emits a crimson flash beneath it before quickly dropping to grab you if you're directly below, then fires a laser directly down at you. This attack can easily one-shot you if you're not at full HP.
  • Laser Dance: The boss ascends and spawns a row of lasers across the screen, moving slowly from side to side. You'll need to navigate the gaps between the lasers to attack the boss.
  • Turret Barrage Laser: The boss charges a laser while turrets spawn across the screen, targeting you and firing after a short delay. Walls also appear on each side of the room, which you can use strategically against the boss.
Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Phase 2
This boss doesn't have a full "phase 2" and is instead just the same moves from phase 1 but with a few more attacks added in. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Sky Rending Claw Attacks – Phase 2 (Includes All Phase 1 Attacks)

  • Laser Reinforcement: A third laser is added to the two vertical lasers that spawn randomly at the edges of the screen, with the third laser moving from left to right.
  • Laser Dance II: The boss now spawns additional lasers during this attack, reducing the space you have to move and making it harder to punish the boss.

Yanlao And Sky Rending Claw Fight Overview

When it comes to the fight strategy against the Sky Rending Claw, there are a few key concepts to keep in mind that will make the battle significantly easier and help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed at first. Ultimately, this fight revolves around reading the boss’s attack telegraphs and responding appropriately—well, more so than in previous battles.

Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Overview and punishes
While you'll need to read and counter most of the boss's attacks, it does have a few openings that you can punish with more safety. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

The Sky Rending Claw has two health bars, and while Phase 2 introduces more of the same attacks from Phase 1, the strategy remains largely consistent throughout. However, be aware that in Phase 2, the boss becomes more aggressive, performing tackles more frequently while also using its more punishable attacks more often (we’ll cover those in detail shortly).

Strategy Overview

Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Main attack counters
The Sky Rending Claw can be punished when doing its main attacks as shown below, but they are more risky, so be sure to exercise caution. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)
  • Tackle and Leap Tackle Attacks: The best approach is to parry these attacks and only counter with a talisman once the sequence is over. This allows you to safely parry each strike and counterattack when it's safe. If you’re using the Water Flow Talisman, you’ll have a window to jump up and land a few hits as the boss cools down from its tackle attacks, followed by the talisman’s explosion.
  • Grab Attack: This can be dodged by dashing at the last moment before the claw drops. After dodging, you can counter with a few strikes.
  • Laser Dance Attack: This is an opportunity to land some free hits on the boss as it remains stationary in the center of the screen. However, be cautious in Phase 2, as the additional lasers reduce your maneuvering space, and getting clipped by one can knock you into another, potentially fatal laser.

Optimal Damage-Dealing Strategy For Sky Rending Claw

Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Best Punish
The best strategy for this boss is to wait for the Turret Barrage Laser and knock it down, giving you tons of time to deal heavy damage with no risk. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

The most effective strategy during this fight is to punish the Turret Barrage Laser by running up the walls on the sides of the room that spawn. When the crosshairs lock onto you, jump toward the Sky Rending Claw, causing the turrets to hit the boss instead. This will knock the boss to the ground, allowing you to unleash some Azure Arrow shots for significant damage.

This tactic is also ideal for Phase 2, where the boss’s aggression ramps up, and it may perform the Turret Barrage Laser more frequently—sometimes as every other move. Your goal here is to play it safe, outlasting the boss while slowly whittling down its health and conserving your healing resources for Phase 2.

Yanlao Boss Sky Rending Claw Defeated
Following these tips and strategies, you'll be fully prepared to take Yanlao down for good. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

In Phase 2, focus on punishing the boss only when it's safe to do so and save all your Azure Arrows for when the boss is knocked out of the sky. Stick to this approach, and you’ll be well on your way to defeating the Sky Rending Claw and putting Yanlao to rest for good in the cutscene that follows, allowing you to continue your journey through the intricate and challenging world of Nine Sols.