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How To Unlock New Strikers in Mecha Break

Experiment and find your perfect Mech with our guide on how to purchase and unlock new Strikers in Mecha Break.
How To Unlock New Strikers in Mecha Break
Seasun Games

While Mecha Break shares similarities with other mecha games like Armored Core in its combat style and mechanics, it’s better classified as a hero-mecha shooter. In this case, the "heroes" are the game's Strikers - a diverse roster of mechs, each with unique abilities, use cases, and synergies. With that in mind, this guide will break down how to unlock Strikers in Mecha Break and outline ways to speed up the process if you're after a specific one.

How to Purchase New Strikers in Mecha Break

All Strikers in Mecha Break - except for the free one you start with - can be purchased from the Hangar Bay in the main menu using Matrix Credits or Corite. To do this, navigate to the "Switch Break Striker" button, as shown in the image below, where you'll find a full list of available Strikers.

How To Buy Strikes
Strikers can be purchased from the Hangar menu using either Matrix Credits or Corite. (Picture: Shane / Seasun Games)

Before making a purchase, you can test out any Striker in Training Mode to get a feel for its abilities and playstyle. However, each one comes at a cost. Below is a breakdown of their prices:

Striker Prices

Striker Price
Alysnes Free (Starting Striker)
Falcon 3,200 Matrix Credits
Tricera 3,200 Matrix Credits
Narukami 6,800 Matrix Credits
Welkin 6,800 Matrix Credits
Luminae 9,400 Matrix Credits
Hurricane 9,600 Matrix Credits
Pinaka 21,100 Matrix Credits or 210 Corite
Aquila 21,100 Matrix Credits or 210 Corite
Skyraider 45,000 Matrix Credits or 450 Corite
Stego 45,000 Matrix Credits or 450 Corite
Panther 68,000 Matrix Credits or 450 Corite
Inferno Unlock via Matrix Contract (Battle Pass)

How to Earn Matrix Credits and Corite for Striker Purchases

Strikers can be purchased using either Matrix Credits or Corite, both of which can be earned through specific in-game activities.

Collecting more Matrix Credits and Corite
Matrix Credits are earned in-game, and completing challenges can earn you even more. Corite, on the other hand, is currently unobtainable but will be available for purchase in the future. (Picture: Shane / Seasun Games)

Matrix Credits (Free In-Game Currency)

  • Matrix Credits are obtained by completing challenges and opening Supply Crates, which are rewarded for mission completions. The fastest way to grind for these credits is by activating specific missions in the Hangar and completing them while playing. These missions offer a significant boost in rewards, including Matrix Credits.

Corite (Premium Currency)

  • Unlike Matrix Credits, Corite cannot be earned through regular gameplay. However, hovering over the Corite counter in the upper-right corner of the main menu reveals that a currency exchange system will be introduced in the future. For now, Corite can occasionally drop from Supply Crates, though these drops are extremely rare.

That’s everything you need to know about unlocking all available Strikers in Mecha Break, along with tips on how to farm the currency needed to purchase them. Enjoy spending those hard-earned Matrix Credits, and we'll see you all in Mashmak!