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How To Get Mods In Mecha Break

Get your Striker ready for battle with our guide on how to efficiently farm and gather Mods in Mecha Break.
How To Get Mods In Mecha Break
Seasun Games

While choosing your Mech - or Striker - and its weapons is crucial for survival in Mecha Break, one aspect of customization that shouldn't be overlooked is Mods. These modular upgrades provide significant stat boosts to your Striker and, when used together, can become the foundation of your build. So in this guide, we’ll break down how to obtain Mods in Mecha Break and share tips on maximizing their effectiveness during gameplay.

Mecha Break Mods: How to Get Them

Mods in Mecha Break are obtained through Supply Crates, with each crate granting a random Mod for your Striker, along with some Matrix Credits, which are also used to unlock new Strikers. Supply Crates drop as rewards for completing mission objectives and increasing your achievement level while playing. Simply put, the more missions you complete, the more crates you’ll earn, and the more Mods you’ll collect.

Mods drop via Supply Crates
Mods are obtained by collecting Supply Crates during matches. (Picture: Shane / Seasun Games)

There are two types of Supply Crates, categorized by rarity:

  • Blue (Supply Crate Type I)
  • Purple (Supply Crate Type II)

Higher-tier purple crates contain better Mods but don’t overlook blue crates, as multiple blue Mods with the same stat can sometimes outperform a single high-quality purple Mod.

Tips for Getting High-Tier Mods in Mecha Break

Since Mods only drop from Supply Crates, farming high-quality ones can be a grind. Here are some strategies to make the process more efficient:

1. Play in the Mashmak Mode

Mashmak for Supply Crates
While Operation Verge grants Supply Crates, playing Mashmak offers more opportunities to collect them. (Picture: Shane / Seasun Games)

While standard PvP matches reward Supply Crates, the Mashmak mode (an extraction-type mode) is much more effective. In Mashmak, players can:

  • Destroy enemy strongholds
  • Complete multiple objectives
  • Extract at any time

Each stronghold completion increases your chance of earning multiple Supply Crates in a single run - far more efficient than playing regular PvP matches.

2. Use the Mod Assembly Feature (Mod Recycling)

Using mod assmebly for crafting Mods
You can collect random Mods, but the Assembly option also lets you craft your own Mods using any leftover ones you have. (Picture: Shane / Seasun Games)

Inside the Mods menu, there’s a feature called Mod Assembly, which allows players to craft high-tier Mods by sacrificing 10 advanced Mods.

However, there are some risks to consider:

  • The stats of the crafted Mod are randomized.
  • High-tier Mods come with severe drawbacks, making them a double-edged sword in your build.
  • If you don’t have backup Mods, you might weaken your Striker instead of improving it.

Balancing powerful bonuses with potential downsides is crucial when fine-tuning your Striker’s performance.

That wraps up everything you need to know about getting Mods in Mecha Break, along with strategies to farm the best ones efficiently. Whether you’re grinding Mashmak mode or testing your luck with Mod Assembly, optimizing your build will take time and strategy. Good luck upgrading your Strikers - we’ll see you on the battlefield!