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LCS Spring Split Week One recapped - all of the bans, picks and action

All of the action from the first week of the 2020 LCS Season recapping the draft phase and the first North American brawls on Summoner's Rift this year.
LCS Spring Split Week One recapped - all of the bans, picks and action

Week 1 of the North America League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split has come to a close after three days of intense matches.


(Credit: lolesports)

2020 brings us revivals of Evil Geniuses, Dignitas, and Immortals, while other teams enjoy rosters with a mix of new players and veterans. Here’s a recap of all the action below:

Day 1

Game 1: Cloud9 vs. Team Liquid


  • Cloud9: Irelia/Ornn/Lucian/Ekko/Orianna
  • Team Liquid: Akali/Qiyana/Rumble/Zoe/LeBlanc



Eric "Licorice" Ritchie: Aatrox
Robert "Blaber" Huang: Lee Sin
Yasin "Nisqy" Dinçer: Veigar
Jesper "Zven" Svenningsen: Aphelios
Philippe "Vulcan" Laflamme: Tahm Kench

Team Liquid

Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong: Mordekaiser
Shern "Shernfire" Cherng Tai*: Jarvan IV
Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen: Azir
Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng: Senna
Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in: Thresh

(* in for Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen)

Notable moments

  • Shernfire is subbing in for Broxah who is still unable to play due to visa issues
  • CoreJJ gets first blood at 11:30
  • Cloud9 get the first ace of 2020 at 24 minutes
  • Nisqy deathless the entire game

End result

Cloud9 wins at 25 minutes


Game 2: Counter Logic Gaming vs. Dignitas


  • Counter Logic Gaming: Irelia/Qiyana/Gangplank/Aphelios/Varus
  • Dignitas: Akali/Lucian/Rumble/LeBlanc/Kennen



Kim "Ruin" Hyeong-min: Ornn
Raymond "Wiggily" Griffin: Rek'Sai
Lee "Crown" Min-ho: Cassiopeia
Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes: Senna
Andy "Smoothie" Ta: Leona


Heo "Huni" Seung-hoon: Renekton
Jonathan "Grig" Armao: Elise
Henrik "Froggen" Hansen: Viktor
Johnson "Johnsun" Nguyen: Ashe
Zaqueri "Aphromoo" Black: Tahm Kench


Notable moments

  • Wiggly first blood at 3:35
  • Wiggly steals Cloud drake from Dignitas at 35:05
  • Dignitas grabs the ace at 40:05
  • Grig deathless

End result

Dignitas wins at 40:10


Game 3: 100 Thieves vs. Golden Guardians


  • 100 Thieves: Qiyana/Rumble/Senna/Vlad/Lee Sin
  • Golden Guardians: Akali/Lucian/Aphelios/Lissandra/Elise


Kim "Ssumday" Chan-ho: Gangplank
William "Meteos" Hartman: Gragas
Tommy "Ryoma" Lee: Zoe
Cody "Cody Sun" Sun: Miss Fortune
William "Stunt" Chen: Leona

Kevin "Hauntzer" Yarnell: Ornn
Can "Closer" Çelik: Jarvan IV
Greyson "Goldenglue" Gilmer: LeBlanc
Victor "FBI" Huang: Varus
Yuri "Keith" Jew: Braum


Notable moments

  • Ssumday with first blood at 11:20
  • Pause at 14:16 due to a mouse issue for Meteos
  • Meteos steals the Elder dragon at 34 minutes after only having 100hp during the team fight

End result

100 Thieves win the game at 38 minutes


Game 4: Immortals vs FlyQuest


  • Immortals: Rumble/Elise/Braum/Camille/Tahm Kench
  • FlyQuest: Akali/Ornn/Qiyana/LeBlanc/Gragas


Paul "Soaz" Boyer: Aatrox
Jake "Xmithie" Puchero: Trundle
Jérémy "Eika" Valdenaire: Lucian
Johnny "Altec" Ru: Cassiopeia
Nickolas "Hakuho" Surgent: Thresh

Omran "V1per" Shoura: Riven
Lucas "Santorin" Tao Kilmer Larsen: Lee Sin
Tristan "PowerofEvil" Schrage: Viktor
Jason "WildTurtle" Tran: Senna
Lee "IgNar" Dong-geun: Blitzcrank

Notable moments

  • Eika gets first blood at 3:30
  • FlyQuest get the ace at 38 minutes
  • IgNar and V1per deathless

End result

FlyQuest win at 38 minutes


Day 2

Game 1: Dignitas vs. Evil Geniuses


  • Dignitas: Qiyana/Irelia/Ornn/Jarvan IV/LeBlanc
  • Evil Geniuses: Rumble/Akali/Lucian/Elise/Olaf


Huni: Gangplank
Grig: Lee Sin
Froggen: Orianna
Johnsun: Senna
Aphromoo: Braum

Colin "Kumo" Zhao: Aatrox
Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnsen: Gragas
Daniele "Jiizuke" di Mauro: Azir
Bae "Bang" Jun-sik: Aphelios
Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam: Tahm Kench


Notable moments

  • Johnsun gets first blood at 13:24
  • Grig chases Svenskeren halfway across the map to kill him, both with very limited health. He does, in fact, get the kill
  • Johnsun, Bang, and Aphromoo all deathless

End result

Dignitas win at 28 minutes


Game 2: TSM vs Immortals


  • TSM: Irelia/Mordekaiser/Cassiopeia/Aphelios/Pantheon
  • Immortals: Akali/Qiyana/Lucian/Olaf/Camille


Sergen "BrokenBlade" Çelik: Rumble
Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett: Lee Sin
Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg: LeBlanc
Kasper "Kobbe" Kobberup: Senna
Vincent "Biofrost" Wang: Tahm Kench

Soaz: Aatrox
Xmithie: Elise
Eika: Zoe
Altec: Ezreal
Hakuho: Braum

Notable moments

  • Kobbe with first blood at 12:24
  • Longest game of the Spring Split so far with a total of 61:15
  • Kobbe and Altec deathless

End result

Immortals (finally) wins at 61:15


Game 3: Golden Guardians vs. Cloud9


  • Golden Guardians: Elise/Irelia/Lucian/LeBlanc/Gangplank
  • Cloud9: Akali/Rumble/Qiyana/Vlad/Orianna


Hauntzer: Aatrox
Closer: Rek'Sai
Goldenglue: Diana
FBI: Senna
Keith: Tahm Kench

Licorice: Camille
Blaber: Lee Sin
Nisqy: Zoe
Zven: Aphelios
Vulcan: Nautilus


Notable moments

  • Closer first blood at 6:36
  • Using rift herald, Cloud9 was able to take down 3 towers in the top lane, including one in the Golden Guardians’ base
  • Cloud9 get the ace at 23:18
  • Zven was deathless

End result

Cloud9 wins at 33:34


Game 4: FlyQuest vs. Counter Logic Gaming


  • FlyQuest: Lucian/Elise/Qiyana/LeBlanc/Ornn
  • Counter Logic Gaming: Akali/Riven/Lee/Thresh/Orianna

V1per: Aatrox
Santorin: Rek'Sai
PowerofEvil: Rumble
WildTurtle: Aphelios
IgNar: Leona

Ruin: Camille
Wiggily: Jarvan IV
Crown: Zoe
Stixxay: Senna
Smoothie: Nautilus

Notable moments

  • Santorin with first blood at 3:20, which turned into an immediate double kill seconds later
  • V1per and IgNar deathless
  • From this game, FlyQuest plant 129 trees

End result

FlyQuest wins at 31:30


Day 3

Game 1: Evil Geniuses vs. 100 Thieves


Evil Geniuses: Gangplank/Rumble/Lucian/Elise/Gragas
100 Thieves: Akali/Aphelios/Qiyana/Jarvan IV/Zoe


Kumo: Mordekaiser
Svenskeren: Lee Sin
Jiizuke: LeBlanc
Bang: Senna
Zeyzal: Tahm Kench

Ssumday: Aatrox
Meteos: Olaf
Ryoma: Ryze
Cody Sun: Xayah
Stunt: Rakan


Notable moments

  • Svenskeren with first blood at 5:15
  • Bang and Zeyzal deathless

End result

Evil Geniuses win at 39:07


Game 2: Team Liquid vs. TSM


Team Liquid: Lucian/Qiyana/Aphelios/Irelia/LeBlanc
TSM: Rumble/Akali/Senna/Vlad/Aatrox


Impact: Ornn
Shernfire (in for Broxah): Jarvan IV
Jensen: Orianna
Doublelift: Xayah
CoreJJ: Rakan

BrokenBlade: Gangplank
Dardoch: Elise
Bjergsen: Zilean
Kobbe: Miss Fortune
Biofrost: Leona

Notable moments

  • Dardoch gets first blood 2:46
  • Doublelift dies twice in under four minutes, bot kills by Dardoch
  • Impact, Jensen, BrokenBlade, and CoreJJ deathless

End result

Team Liquid wins at 39:24

MVP of the week

Henrik "Froggen" Hansen of Team Dignitas

And there you have it! Week 1 is a wrap, but be sure to catch more weekly recaps here and check out Week 2 of the LCS Spring Split beginning 1st February at 22:00 GMT (13:00 CET / 02:00 PST).

You can catch it on YouTube, the LCS Twitch channel and lolesports.com.