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How To Get The New Multi-Story Garage in GTA Online

Here is everything you need to know about how to get a multi-story garage in GTA Online.
How To Get The New Multi-Story Garage in GTA Online

GTA Online's newest update, Los Santos Drug Wars, is set to bring a ton of new and exciting content to the GTA Online servers. Whether you are itching to jump into the many new missions or start collecting some brand-new cars, there is something in this new update to keep everyone busy for hours on end. However, where are you supposed to hoard your spoils after finishing up all these missions and collecting all these new cars?

Thankfully, Rockstar Games may have a solution. If you are looking for somewhere to store all your new cars, you may want to invest in a multi-story garage. This garage will supposedly add 50 additional vehicle spaces! So, if you are interested in getting a multi-story garage, you've come to the right place. This article will cover everything you need to know about acquiring a multi-story garage in GTA Online. 

How To Get The Multi-Story Garage in GTA Online

GTA Online
The multi-story garage in GTA Online will have 50 additional vehicle slots. (Picture: Rockstar Games)

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, there is no confirmed way to get the multi-story garage in GTA Online. A credible Rockstar Games leaker on Twitter has stated that the multi-story garage will cost $2,740,000.

This information has apparently been datamined by a user named alloc8or and then backed up by prominent Rockstar Games community member, Tez2. Tez2 has a very good track record of providing credible information surrounding leaks, so it is likely that all the above information is correct. Unfortunately, that means you better start saving now if you want those additional 50 vehicle slots because they don't come cheap!

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What cars will you park in the new multi-story garage? (Picture: Rockstar Games)

Additionally, a user on Steam has reported that the acquisition of the multi-story garage will be drip fed to players through later updates. You will have to complete all the Dax missions in order to acquire the multi-story garage, but two of these missions are currently locked. It is speculated that these missions will become available in the second half of the update. 

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The multi-story garage may become available in a later update. (Picture: Rockstar Games)

If this is the case, players are currently unable to get the multi-story garage in GTA Online, even if they have readily available funds. We will continue to scour the game and the net for further information and endeavor to update this article as soon as some concrete information is announced.

And that's everything we know about how to get a multi-story garage in GTA Online.

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