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Fortnite v13.20 patch notes: Flare Gun, Captain America and bug fixes

Epic Games has introduced the Flare Gun to their ever-popular BR title. Here are all the known Fortnite v13.20 patch notes so far.
Fortnite v13.20 patch notes: Flare Gun, Captain America and bug fixes

The Fortnite v13.20 patch hits today, and while Epic Games doesn't share the exact patch notes anymore, we've got you covered. Here are all the known details of the Fortnite 13.20 patch, including the long-awaited Flare Gun, bug fixes, and a new hero.

Update: The Fortnite server downtime has now ended.

Fortnite v13.20 patch downtime

At the time of writing, the downtime for the Fortnite v13.20 patch has begun. Expect the servers to go up again before 11:00 UK time. 



We will update this section once the Fortnite server downtime is over.


Fortnite Flare Gun

The Fortnite Flare Gun has been teased for a very long time now, all the way back to Chapter 1, and now, Epic Games has finally released the Flare Gun with the Fortnite v13.20 patch.

The Fortnite Flare Gun has a reload time of 1.5 seconds. It can hold six bullets in its magazine. Further, if you manage to directly hit an enemy with its projectile, it will deal 60 damage. 

The Flare Gun can even be found in normal chests.


Fortnite V13.20 patch notes flare gun
The Fortnite v13.20 patch notes (Picture: Epic Games)


Epic Games confirmed the addition of the Fortnite Flare gun on Twitter.



Portable upgrade bench

Players can now break down the Upgrade Bench and carry it in their inventory, allowing them to upgrade their weapons in a safe location of their choosing, and move locations if they get into trouble.



Captain America is joining Fortnite

Since we already have Aquaman, why not good old Steve Rogers, aka Captain America? 

According to known Fortnite leaker and dataminer Hypex, it looks like a Captain America skin is coming thanks to the v13.20 patch. The skin is reportedly set to release on 4th July.



Fortnite water levels going down

The water from the mammoth flood has started to recede with patch v13.20, as you can see below.



Fortnite v13.20 patch notes

These patch notes are incomplete and come courtesy of the Fortnite Trello board.

It primarily covers bugs and fixes that have been implemented in the new update, as Epic Games doesn't share exact patch notes any more, for the most part.


  • ‘Lock Input Method as Mouse’ does not lock the input method.
  • Missing styles for the Specialist Pickaxe and Arroyo Pack Back Bling.
  • Rage Emote fire effect remaining on/near players.
  • Sandstorm Outfit missing hair.

Battle Royale:

  • Party Assist Update
  • Replays not saving on PlayStation 4.
  • Slow Glider speed after redeploying in certain situations.
  • XP bar can be visually incorrect while in a match.
  • Fall damage from Ziplines while landing in shallow water.
  • Epic & Legendary SMGs sometimes cannot be sidegraded.
  • Damaging Marauders counting towards storm surge.
  • Chug Splash does not heal when thrown inside of a bush.
  • Supply Drops may sometimes push loot under the map.

Creative Mode:

  • Consumable items don’t stay in Item Spawn Pads in Creative on mobile.

So there you have it, the Fortnite v13.20 patch notes we know of so far. We will update this article when more details and changes get revealed.