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Fortnite star Clix loses Creator Code due to laxatives tweet

Fortnite superstar and NRG member Clix has lost his Creators Code following a joke tweet about throwing laxatives into a girl's drink.
Fortnite star Clix loses Creator Code due to laxatives tweet

Cody "Clix" Conrod is one of the most recognizable names in Fortnite. The pro player, at just 15 years of age, joined NRG with the famous basketball player Shaquille O’Neal. However, even at such a young age, Clix has already seen his fair share of controversy, including three bans on Twitch. Now, Clix has lost his Fornite Creators Code due to a rather disgusting "joke" about laxatives. 

Clix loses Fortnite Creators Code

On Twitter, the young Fortnite star Clix revealed he has been stripped of his Creators Code (NotClix) by Epic Games. Clix first thought he might have violated Epic Game's TOS, however, he mentioned he hasn't been doing online wagers. He stopped this activity in March 2021 after receiving a warning.

The real reason for Clix losing his Fortnite Creators Code was shared by the player, as he explained: "This was the reason it was disabled, I thought everyone would take it as a joke but I understand it I'm representing a company I shouldn't of tweeted it. Hope to get it re-enabled" while sharing the image of a now-deleted tweet which you can view below.

Clix creators code fortnite lost laxatives joke tweet epic games(Picture: Clix via Twitter)

The tweet which got Clix stripped of his Fortnite Creators Code was sent on 11th May 2021 and deleted sometime afterwards.

At the time of writing, Epic Games has not made an official statement on the matter, and Clix revealed that while he has contacted the developer, they have not responded on the matter.

The lesson here is you probably shouldn't joke about throwing laxatives into a girl's drink on social media, especially so if you are a public figure.

This could lead to some huge financial losses for Clix, as we recently learned Tyler "Ninja" Blevins made $5 million USD a month at the peak of his Fortnite career. 

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